It appears you've things handled well for your circumstances.
Don't give up hope on your wife. It took a bit longer for my wife to awaken, but we're fully on the same page now.
Good luck!
by Andy Dufresne 21 Replies latest jw friends
It appears you've things handled well for your circumstances.
Don't give up hope on your wife. It took a bit longer for my wife to awaken, but we're fully on the same page now.
Good luck!
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Diogenesister - I meant to LIKE your comment: accidently clicked dislike and now I can't change it. Can't promise to do you tax, but I will share a cold beer on a hot roof sometime. ;-)
In response:
Heaven - there wasn't 1 single thing that led
In the end it was a critical mass of several things... although my the "mouth hang open" moments were learning about (1) UN NGO status vs Malawi (2) the blatent quote mining about stauros in the reasoning book alongside (MAIN) critical reasoning about the whole flood myth. This was the nub, to be honest. The loose threads I pulled, after which everything started to unravel.
The irony was that in a shepherding call an elder actually commended me for doing independent research as I said I had found it reasonable that the size of the ark was comparable to some cargo containers today which bolstered the myth. He quoted the "keep on proving" scripture - so I did. Until I completely disproved it to myself... partly due to some threads on here and jwfacts. MOSTLY by doing general research/cross checking facts. It took a while for me to be convinced that you angry and mentally diseased types could be trusted. LOL
Steve2 - I am sure "unofficially" I've been marked, yes. With some Dubs, the conversation is more awkward & stilted than before. I had an elder who works in a neighbouring office but from a sister congregation react very strangely to my greeting recently - as if he didn't know whether to shun me or not. I took this as a win, since it appears if this is how I am considered it's making me less "accountable" to the congregation meaning I can be less secretive about associating with DF'd friends etc. For my wife's sake I don't rub her face in celebrating birthdays, xmas etc. The kids will get their gifts a days or two before or after with statements "so: this isn't for your birthday at all. In any way. What-so-ever. Nuh-uh. No way. At all. Not. For your birthday. Isn't." <WINK>
I don't get invited to "gatherings" any more, but would likely refuse anyway. I deliberately moved away from them, even removing JWs from my social media under the excuse of "it for business use". Took control.
I don't like crowds - I'm a "secret introvert" - and get drained by socialising. However, over the years I learned to "perform" and fake extroversion very well. I would endure conventions, meetings & parties as a means to fit in & conform.
I don't need to now: I live my social life on my terms now and am mentally healthier for it. I admin there are some friends I miss... but there comes a point where you have to look after yourself first.
I do hope to contribute to threads ad-hoc.... just expect random things here and there where I think I'm being funny. ;-)
See y'all round.