Oroborus is YoYoMama?????

by bluesapphire 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    : Oroborus responded BECAUSE he was accused by some as being YoYo the Troll, doofus.


    :To set the record straight, he decided to give personal info so that some that were suggesting he was a troll would know that he wasn't.


    : Whether you supported him or not is not the issue. Just because YOU decide to say that someone is OK because YOU feel that way, well, big deal.

    This is where you are left with your dick in your hand, Mimimum. I've known Eduardo on the boards for at least five years. How long have you know Eduardo on the boards, dear "dick in your hands?"

    : You're certainly not THE authority on this board although you are generally respected for your opinions of others.

    You should have take taken that advice and learned from it. Eduardo and I go a LONG time back.

    : (And I generally agree with you).

    I don't give a flying fuck what you think. You are a fluffer and a non-thinker. I could never form any friendship with the likes of you (nor would I ever dislike you, either. I have room for everyone in my life. I have a smaller room for real friends in my life, and you would never qualify as you are.)

    : This is a good example of how you sometimes play the fool, Farkel.

    As the KING of the Major Fluffer idiots on this board, and as I happen to Know Eduardo and watched him make his way from Law School to genuine attorney over the years when he was doing that and reporting that to us, I respectfully ask you to take your nonsense and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    You are still a "newbie" in the continuum of the REAL debates that were going on long before your started to spread your useless crap, and you are still stupid and arrogant enough to think that you know the history of what has happened before you joined the scene and decided to post your crap.

    You are most noted for posting tons of crap, Minimum. You blabbermouth.


  • minimus

    Farkel, I don't have an issue with Oroborus, It's time to go back to anger management classes, friend.

  • Dansk
    Now I feel like crap.

    Best looking crap I'VE ever seen!


  • Jayson
    I'm really sorry everyone

    You admitted that you were wrong and said you are sorry. Ed stood his ground and I think has pretty tough skin. (And Ice for blood) so what is the biggy? He still said hurtful cold hearted things to Essie. That was not cool That he is not someone else who used to post crap does not make me think more of him. That Farkel respects him means less.

    You are still cool in my book girl. And I am sure that I will get caught with my head up my rear and put my foot in my mouth with some of what I say around here. None here are perfect.

    The only person that I see exploiting this situation and thread is Minimus. Very shallow of you old man.

  • minimus

    Jayson, if you think my comments were so terrible, geez, I'm sorry. I said nothing against this Oroburus. My comment pertained to assuming things and how it can lead to harm or unnecessary distress. Would you feel it is acceptable to post as a subject, "Jayson is YoYoMama? Now, let's see who's exploiting my comments.

  • Jayson
    if you think my comments were so terrible, geez, I'm sorry. I said nothing against this Oroburus. My comment pertained to assuming things and how it can lead to harm or unnecessary distress. Would you feel it is acceptable to post as a subject, "Jayson is YoYoMama? Now, let's see who's exploiting my comments.

    I never said your comments are terrible. I said you were being shallow and exploiting this thread. This is why;

    What bothers me is the mob mentality that can exist here when a person is "different". I think it's a shame that a person HAS to provide personal information about himself so as to be believed. What is it? Everyone is a troll until proven not guilty

    You are totally entitled to your opinion. You make your fluffy mental masterbation comment/threads and heck maybe they hook people. (Couse they do tune into your threads) But some things are serious. Maybe you have not gone through what Essie is going through with her kid. If you did you would not be so shallow about why so many people like me get very pissy about Ed and his ilk making BS self centered comments. And if someone accused me of trolling and I was, I would change my thread to correct it or, stand by my guns I could deal with someone accusing me of being someone else cause Minimus as um, I am who I am. And I know that would come out in the end. The mob mentality exists in the WT. What exists here are like minds and there is a difference. If a "different" view means that I have to sit here and watch someone walk all over another person unjustly then the powers that be will have to boot me off of JWD. I watched to much of that "indifference" with the JW's. I won't do it here or anywhere ever again. And I'm glad others won't either. If you consider that "mob mentality" then I guess we have a lot of disagreeing to do

    Signed with love to Minimus,


  • bluesapphire

    Minimus, fyi, I really did think that oroborus was yo-yo. And if you knew yo-yo you would know why I and many others are glad he's gone gone gone, and don't want him back!

    When I realized my mistake, I apologized. I've never heard of a "mob mentality" type person apologizing or admitting they were wrong.

    I don't think it's fair to claim that this was a "mob mentality" type of post. I asked a question. See those little ???? at the end of the title. Yep a question. I have a new baby and he was sitting on my lap at the time. I didn't know what those little letters are at the bottom and I wouldn't have had time to investigate anyway. Eduardo's name is what confused me -- plus his flippant attitude toward Esmeralda on her other thread where she was in pain. It reminded me of Ernesto/YoYo and I got the names confused.

    I know I'm repeating myself. But apparently you didn't read it the first time.

  • minimus

    Here's the deal." Minimus is a troll". There is clearly a jump on the bandwagon feel in this place at different times. For the longest time, those that were "in position" felt that they should monitor the board for trolls. If you look over the history of this board, you will see that every so often, there's a group of people that will accuse certain ones of being a troll. I know what I'm talking about here since I've had a number of threads and comments saying that I was a troll. Not until a couple of friends that also post here expressed that I was in fact a former elder that helped them to come to this place, did I get a change in attitude. I think we should be careful in either insinuating such a thing or outrightly espousing that a person is a troll. I don't know this Oroborus at all. I don't know YoYo, either. I can appreciate that Blue Sapphire sincerely asked a question. But I want to reiterate that my expressions are not made because certain posters make unkind comments to others. My comment about "mob mentality" comes up because I have seen certain ones go after persons (like myself) because of insinuations or judgments that are unwarranted. I don't think Blue Sapphire was at all trying to stir things up. She asked a question that she thought was without malice. The truth is, though, that Oroborus needed to say who he was so that his name would not become besmirched. Why did he do that??? Because he was forced to identify himself so as to straighten the matter out and not be confused with YoYo the troll.

  • Jayson

    Minimus I can't see how you feel you are a troll here. I think that you just strait up don't get it.

  • Prisca


    Minimus is talking about being called a troll in times past, not on this thread. Because he asked questions and gave little info about himself, some quickly came to the conclusion that he was a troll. Minimus has been on this board for almost a year, and over that time he has given information about himself (and his family).

    I think the term "troll" is a term that can be bandied around too easily. A real troll is easy to pick, and they don't hang around for long.

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