I will be on Facebook live this Tuesday , Fort Payne Times Journal page, 1:15 ct about my candidacy.
My letter of disassociation, what do you think?
by James Jack 48 Replies latest jw experiences
Pete Zahut
Dear Brothers,July 27, 2020.To the Body of Elders, XYZ Congregation
I realize that there are consequences with disassociating oneself from the Organization, but I believe that this is the best path for me to explore now.
I realize that disassociating oneself from the Watchtower Organization is a matter that you take seriously as do I. Regardless of that, if any sort of official decision regarding me or any announcement about me is made from the platform or any other way that could result in negative consequences to myself personally or to my family, legal action will be taken against the individual or individuals responsible.
I would not write a letter of DA if it is to formally inform the congregation as only the elders will see the letter. I recommend to remove your religion info at the municipality/county. That is far more powerful as that information is often used by the Bureau of Statistics to track religion in a country. In some cases, it might also be used by tax offices to see if the organisation is still allowed to receive tax benefits.
Well said JJ ,I myself DA`d some years ago in fact many years after I had just left along with my wife many,many, years previously. To me it was a statement that I had DF`d the religious organization .I dont buy into the thought that your playing into there hands at all and that they have power over you ,I think its the other way round.
Everyone who DA themselves is a statement that they are not getting anymore support from you financially or otherwise .And that must hurt ,their pockets at least.
My wife never DA herself and nobody and I mean nobody has ever tried to contact her to come back to Jehovah or the congregation meetings and its been 27 years now.
And I have no doubt they know about us because we had a niece who was active while living here but since moved away .
Oh, and in the mid 70`s we actually lived here ourselves for a year and were a part of the then congregation .
Good luck to you and your wife buddy
take care.
Good luck!
You could put it on official letterhead of your campaign.
If you have some sort of campaign manager or assistant, you could note that correspondence can go through him / her.
James Jack
Thanks everyone for your kinds words and support. 48 hours have gone by and I haven't got a reaction yet to my letter.
Yeah, there must be a lot of hub-bub about your letter in WTS legal & service now.
Their primary, well, exclusive, concern is how it will make them (the WTS) look if they announce your name as "no longer a JW" and you end up being elected and might influence some political decisions that affect their work, even if it's just local. They don't give a hoot about you or your lifelong service to them, it's all about "how bad might we look?"
Actually, you wouldn't have even had to write the letter, they would have considered you "disassociated for non-neutral activity" or whatever the official term is. Of course, 99% of the time, that is only used for people who are caught voting or join the military.
I think your letter is very succinct and speaks volumes. It is very sad that so many of us were ensnared in that web and lost years of our lives to it. But we can make the best and the most of the present. Thank you for sharing.
DA letter From my own view is giving you all the power. You simply LEFT on your own and there is a document attached to it. @ JJ keep your personal copy of the letter.
Any other member that ask for reason or gossiping around for you LEAVING send him or her back to the elders to retrieve the letter they have with them and read the reasons in there.
If the person said they refuse to hand it out, tell him or her that the letter is your letter not a letter from the GB or branch. Why are they keeping it.
That will instigate the mind that the elders have something to hide. After all when they make there usual announcement, the reasons are not included