Giordano - excellent! Scary, horrific, organization which needs to be banned/dissolved/dismantled from civilization.
My letter of disassociation, what do you think?
by James Jack 48 Replies latest jw experiences
James Jack
My campaign in our local paper.
James Jack you have, based on the Time-Journal.......... which I urge everyone to read...... have contributed to your community.
If the JW's followed your lead and really contributed volunteer work they would be an asset to their community instead of a drag.
Best wishes on the election.
I too have a 30 year history of volunteering in our beloved City. My wife of some 57 years teaches a water aerobics class for free...... three times a week. She helps the 'walking wounded', hip replacement, shoulder and knee replacement. Standing and exercising in the pool offers a stress free way to regain their health after surgery.
Doubting Bro
Great picture Ken! Good luck on your campaign. If I lived in AL, I'd vote for you.I love the no BS sort of approach you are taking. I volunteer for our local youth sports programs and it just feels great to contribute even in a small way to the community. I never got that feeling knocking on doors.
James Jack
Thanks guys for encouragement!
Best of luck!
James Jack
Didn’t win, but was a great experience.
Sorry to hear that. With your life experience, you'd most likely have been a great public servant.
Oh, that was just for getting your face known and your name out there. Next time they'll remember you, and be more likely to vote for you.
My husband ran for a small office and did a lot of campaigning during local civic parades. Firemen's parades, homecoming parades , holiday parades. He walked the parade route giving out tchotchkes like pencils with his name on them. (He was running for school board.)
Might be a good way to advertise your business. Put your name and "for town council" on an inexpensive item like a pen, ruler, pointer for electronic screens, a few plastic coffee cups, paper fans etc. And then your personal business ad on the flip side. We also throw candy in parades around here.