What the GB men are really interested in is the WTS's holding in Russia. $$$
Expect the WTS lawyers to be on route right now .
by OrphanCrow 184 Replies latest jw friends
What the GB men are really interested in is the WTS's holding in Russia. $$$
Expect the WTS lawyers to be on route right now .
Some parts of Russia did this in 2009. The WTS learned nothing from that to be less extreme. They got tw
Maybe this will get people to thinking about what classifies a group as 'extremist'...
Jehovah's Witnesses may seem to many to be just annoying magazine pushers with some strange beliefs...but the Russian Supreme Court decided that they are 'extremist'....a threat to government/society because of their stance of 'obeying god rather than man' ...and so on...
Whether or not a person agrees with the decision, it may get people to thinking...."what is so threatening about Jehovah's Witnesses"...who knows where the questions could lead....
I tentatively raised the ban with my wife ('in-very much').We discussed the matter briefly. I suggested there by repatriation of jw out of Russia. The reply was telling; "Oh no they cant do that."... "cant?" Clearly repatriation has been touted and denied the jw there have been thrown under the bus. WT wants martyrs!
Repatriation ? I guess any non-Russian JW's may choose to leave, but most, probably way over 90%, of the 170,000 JW's there are native Russians I would guess.
This ban pleases me.
I know exactly where I'm at...I'm not blind to the org...I would like to fade without it being a big deal. All religions think they are right and the JW's are no different, but what one of their problems is their arrogance of being God's only channel....and they truly believe that, me it doesn't matter whether it's God's channel or not...folks have no idea what God wants...so I take what man says with a grain of salt...I judge people for myself not what others say about them....yes I have a good heart and if I let the JW's at it, they'll suck the good right out of it then try to build me up again....I know the game....thank goodness....
Well, I just said my peace about how the org. can assist the Russian friends but I know better...but Jehovah did say he wanted no more sacrifice but faith....guess that'll be a new light one day...
The Watchtower wins either way...
If they're "banned", it's because they're God's chosen people.
If they're NOT "banned", it's because they're God's chosen people (because the letter-writing worked)
They covered their bases as usual...
The Witnesses will triumph and survive just as they did under Hitler and others. Regardless of how happy you might be be due to the ban. Anytime you have a government interfering with people's beliefs, it is not good for democracy and freedom. The Jdubs will be strengthened and united by these new circumstances.
caleb is right
they will win either way