Diogenesister I asked the same question some years ago. The American way really does seem odd to the rest of us.
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister 100 Replies latest social current
LUHE: There is no consensus among US citizens for change re health care that's free at the point of delivery.
There's no perfect system for funding healthcare, and in the US it is a highly-politicized issue. So you have people who can point out the issues with our current system and people who can point out the issues with any proposed systems. And they aren't honest when they're defending their preference, since it invites biased and hypocritical criticism and the discussion devolves into a shouting match.
One issue, as I see it, is that the current system is a Frankenstein's monster of supposed free-market systems that are regulated by government. It's not really possible to go fully in one direction or another, so we end up with a system designed by greedy insurers on one side, and incompetent politicians on the other, and frequently managed by clueless HR departments instead of the individuals and families that need it. No surprise- it's a confusing mess.
I'd rather we had taxpayer-subsidized preventive and basic care available to everyone, with insurance available for the less-common circumstances that often require massive financing. If we can offer life insurance at a small premium, we should be able to do that same for people who need extensive hospital stays, emergency services (surgery, etc), and long-term recovery care. It's still not a perfect system, and it doesn't fit neatly in any one political party's platform, so it won't ever happen.
Anony Mous
@TonusOH: both New York and California and a few others like Massachusetts have systems like what you propose. There are 52 different states in the US, like EU states, they have a form of autonomy on these issues and each one has a different system.
And there is plenty of evidence of what works, the best rated hospital systems and outcomes are in places like Pennsylvania, Texas, Idaho or Utah, where there is minimal government involvement with healthcare, whereas New York, California and similar states consistently rate towards the bottom.
The best system is always the one the government doesn’t get involved in. Even in countries with government single payer health care systems, the overwhelming majority of people will prefer the private option when available.
The fact one side consistently refuses to offer any evidence that their system works should be a marker that it is a religious statement rather than a political or practical solution.
"I'd rather we had taxpayer-subsidized preventive and basic care available to everyone, with insurance available for the less-common circumstances that often require massive financing."
Agree 100%. -
Obama was a terrible President like nearly all Presidents because he was a Figurehead and lied just like the rest. It’s extremely easy to compare campaign promises to reality and to listen to his own words ( speech writer ) condemning him. Obama’s purpose was to create more Black Democratic voters and to be the token Black President. Most are so dumb that it worked.
Yep, it sucks. Follow the $$. Most intelligent people in the US don’t want an NHS. They do want an end to waste and corruption in the current system, including and 3 Letter Organizations you can imagine which profit massively from keeping the average American Sheeple unhealthy.
The Left loves to salivate over the “root cause” of this and that, but they don’t want to talk about the root cause of most “Western” diseases. In case you don’t know, it’s 💩 Food, and 💩 Lifestyle for most people.
The solution is to fix the root cause but most are lazy and ignorant and Billions of dollars are allocated to keep them in that condition so the system generates revenue from their illness until they die. Wash, rinse, repeat…
Emergency issues are easy, even without insurance. Don’t pay. Then ask for financial assistance. If you want Stem Cells or some other procedure then go to Mexico. 😂
Trillions to Ukraine and their corrupt, leather/high-heel wearing Buffon of a Figurehead, but shit healthcare for the tax payers who fund everything… makes sense…
The government will punish citizens by making it compulsory to buy health insurance paying thousands$$ or less per month. Most people don’t need to spend so much on doctor bills and medicine so all that premium money goes to help pay doctor bills for everybody —and for those that sneak across the border. The way it works out is that those with extraxtable money pay for those from whom money cannot be extracted or squeezed. And that’s that.
The other solution is for the government to socialize medicine. Then you have to wait on line for more than a year to see a free doctor because everyone wants to go. Doctors will get a salary and by the same token no frills standard treatment. Everybody is waiting on line and suffer while you wait.
If the government gets involved, they are supervising and governing everything and heath providers don’t like it and harder for the patient too.
If government doesn’t get involved then the greedy health care providers will squeeze first the patient and then the government for as much payment they can —getting fatter but the health care better in quality because more money to fund it and more incentive and interest to do a good job.
Government can also regulate prices of meds and healthcare depending on income or a flat cheap rate for everyone but doctors and other businesses need to make money and pay bills so bad healthcare quality. More people will die or get sicker.
Or leave things the way they are. But ultimately someone is paying the bill: those that have money than can be extracted.
I don’t think there is a solution to please everybody.
Above is an in-depth discussion of this issue by two well-respected intellectuals.
I enjoy your posts DD. And how you simply expose things for what they really are in such a funny way.
Great story - and some of it might even be true, too!
Where does the notion come from that Universal Healthcare costs more than private?
It absolutely doesn't. Most Brits pay, on average. about the same per annum through taxes, which are based on income, than the average American per month.
I understand that people can still go bankrupt paying for treatment in America even though they have insurance.
Diabetics die because they can't afford insulin because , of course , businesses aren't going to pay out more than has been put in to fund life long care .
Americans have pen pushers who have no medical knowledge decide if the treatment needed is financially viable.
A couple l know have a son who is married to an American lady and lives in America. They have good insurance but when one of their new born twins needed essential surgery for spina bifida the insurance company questioned the doctor's recommendation. The office based " professional " wanted to know basically if the money spent would be worth the outcome!!!. The surgery wasn't to save the child's life but vastly improve the quality. So you have a system where bean counters can over rule a highly qualified medical professional . Fortunately the op did take place.
No thank you sir , l would fight tooth and nail to keep that kind of healthcare from the UK
The NHS isn't perfect but by heck l will take it over the American system