Doesn't sound fair to me."
"I'm rich. I wont need social security when I retire, why should i be forced to pay for it with my tax dollars? Doesn't seem fair to me. "
"I don't have kids. Why should I be forced to fund schools with my tax dollars, doesn't seem fair to me."
"I'm against US foreign policy. Why should I be forced to help pay the military budget with my tax dollars? Doesn't seem fair to me."
"I don't drive. Why should I be forced to pay for the highway infrastructure with my tax dollars? Doesn't seem fair to me."
"I'm illiterate. Why should I be forced to fund public libraries with my tax dollars? Doesn't seem fair to me."
"I don't like the people from the 3rd world country the US gives aid to. Why should I be forced to fund it with my tax dollars? Doesn't seem fair to me"
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister 100 Replies latest social current
"but why should all the US citizens who disagree with free (at the point of delivery) healthcare be forced to pay for it via their tax dollars? -
Your post isn't really much of an answer.
US citizens don't mind paying for road repairs even if they don't drive.
Re foreign policy they'll pay their taxes but vote for another candidate come election time.
The healthcare issue is big, very big.
Americans just will not accept that they have to pay, via their taxes, for other people's healthcare.
Another thing: those in favour of 'free' health care just kind of assume that their position is morally superior to all other opinions.
Can someone explain to me why only paying for your own health care is somehow morally wrong or inferior?
Let me ask you this then, Loveuni, do Americans mind paying for public schools, even if they don’t have kids? No, because society as a whole is better off.
LUHE , the " I'm alright - sod you Jack " attitude just doesn't seem very nice somehow. " I can afford to stay alive , you can't so tough " seems to indicate a society that just doesn't care.
I've quoted this before but l like it so ..
One of the Greek philosophers said that the measure of how civilised a society is can me measured by how it takes care of it's weakest members.
Jan from Tam
Yeah, that all sounds very noble.🙄
Why don’t you and your country accept all the never-ending immigrants (both legal and illegal) on the planet streaming in and provide them with healthcare and whatever?
What you just described the navy used to call “The Jack Club”.
While the term itself is now rather dated, the attitude seems still to be very much in evidence!
the " I'm alright - sod you Jack " attitude just doesn't seem very nice somehow - it's not that at all.
What happened to personal responsibility?
do Americans mind paying for public schools - that's something else. This topic is about healthcare.
If you really want to deflect and dissemble, well I can play that game too: money is very tight for me. If I need a new pair of shoes I have to pay for them. There's no free-at-the-point-of-delivery shoecare system.
Try again, please.
NB - I have received excellent care when I was in hospital for the only time in 2013. I have also seen the other side of the NHS. There are plenty of excellent, dedicated staff but the NHS as an organisation has serious flaws that need to be looked at. So, for me, the NHS is on balance a good thing. But I recognise intellectual diversity and I also recognise the fact that, for many Americans, they don't want to pay for others' healthcare.
Many Americans seem to form their opinions on slogans and memes etc. not on facts. Whether they see the system of healthcare that most civilised nations use as somehow "wrong" or not, the simple truth is it will cost them less than half what they are paying now, but will be comprehensive, not selective cover as insurance is.
Are they so SELFISH they would rather pay twice what is necessary just so that someone they deem as not worthy cannot access healthcare ??
What kind of monsters are these people ??