Disussion with JWs re: ONE mediator

by somebody 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Well it is in the strict bible sense that there must be 2 witnesses to a molestation, right?

    That one must abstain from blood, as in eat it, correct?

    only 144,000 are chosen to be in the new covenant and have Jesus as their mediator, who can partake of the emblems,.....

    It is also in the strict bible sense that Jesus is the WAY the "TRUTH" and the LIGHT

    the WT (legal representative or mediator) substitutes itself for Christ as the Christ - the Saviour - the truth - The "thing" needed to have everlasting life.

    I think we know what the bible says in a strict bible sense about those setting themselves up in this way.

    JWs must be proud to say that they are the only ones who strictly adhere to the bible and its principals!


  • somebody

    The key phrase from the quote is: " So in this strict Biblical sense". So my belief stands. I'm gald your belief stands. Because what was published by the Watchtower INC is NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE SENSE..let alone the strictest. (((((((expat))))))))) aka...banana man Thank you for yet another reference stating that the WT teach that the reamining of the 1444,000, no matter what year and how many reamining are taught to be the mediator between god and man. There is one JW who states that others and I can't keep up with the teachings of the WT. Well.....that alone takes a lot of research! The teaching is THE SAME, just worded differently than it was worded in 1979. ( I wish I could start my life over from that year! ) i can't ask you all to go make your comments to the JWs because it;s on a DB board that only aol members can get to. This is one time that aol doesn't suck. peace, gwen Thank you ALL for your comments and thougths...althought I'm still trying to understand the power of cheese.

  • DJ
    The key phrase from the quote is: " So in this strict Biblical sense". So my belief stands


    So you are saying that Jesus is your mediator in a Non-strict bible sense. Oh. I suppose that next you will show us the scriptures that say that Jesus is a sort of, kind of like mediator angel named Michael. The strict bible sense is the mediatorship of Christ alone. You follow teachings of man not Christ Jesus. Read your bible and pray. Put down your magazines and listen to His voice. He will not mislead you but man will. Doing the bidding of false teachers is not = to giving a cup of water to one of these little ones!! Go ahead and ask them....they will tell you it is the same thing.They are saying that what you do for them....is counted as what is done for Christ because you are on the earth being judged according to your hours spent serving THEM while they are just accepted in heaven as belonging to Jesus. They exalt themselves and decieve you. Jesus died for you too. He has offered you salvation by means of his death. Take it, it's free. He will lead you into all Truth. Your works have been prepared ahead of time for you to walk in them. (Ephesians) Ask and you shall receive...knock and it will opened. Trust God alone for your salvation...has has provided the way for you. Stop looking to earthing man and get on your knees and be honest with Him. Don't be afraid. He said to come to Him. Ask Him if the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is right! He will show you. Love to you. dj

  • somebody
    i can't ask you all to go make your comments to the JWs because it;s on a DB board that only aol members can get to. This is one time that aol doesn't suck

    . I meant that aol doesn't suck because I can get to the db . NOT because some of you can't! Just thought I'd clarify that because that didn't look right when I read it over again. It didn't say what I wanted to say about aol only. damn those viscious circles in my mind! peace to you all, gwen

  • wednesday

    i told my husband about this, and he said "then why do we pray "in jesus name"? He said they did not say that or i must have misundrestood.

    A lot of JWS don't really know what the WTS teaches .

  • somebody


    So you are saying that Jesus is your mediator in a Non-strict bible sense. Oh. I suppose that next you will show us the scriptures that say that Jesus is a sort of, kind of like mediator angel named Michael.

    Ask a JW to describe it and they won't use those two words ( kind and sorta ) but that IS what they are saying. As long as SordofJah says that Jesus is his ONE mediator, and BELIEVES THAT,then I'm happy that that it his or her belief. I'm just sad that he or she can't publicly speak if he were a JW that because he'll be accused of being an apostate of God if he right out said that the GB of the Watchtower Inc./faithful and discreet slave have NO mediatorship between people and God.

    And I suppose SwordOfJah would have to expalin the difference between "strict Bible sense" and "non-strict Bible sense".

    I'm just happy that he feels Jesus is his ONE mediator and therefore does not NEED to be assoicaited with the Watchtower INC. to render sacred service to God and to pray to God.

  • somebody

    Will Power,

    Can you put a link in here to Lady Lee's, thread? I miss so many topics and threads only because traffic is so heavy here.

  • hillary_step


    Thank you for this and your recent posts, I have been enjoying them greatly. From the response by Sword to your comments, my experience that most JW's do not even understand their own doctrine is again validated.

    I suspect that most 'lurkers' learn more about their fundamental beliefs and history on this discussion board than they do in Kingdom Halls.

    Once again thanks - HS

  • Hamas

    Listen people, just leave Lollipop of Jah to his little play den and fantasy world. He obviously doesn't even know HIS OWN beliefs, after what he said earlier about the 'strict biblical sense'.

    Leave him to wonder around the Wilderness for the rest of his sad, meaningless life waiting for that one big moment when he can say ' I told you so'

    Keep hoping, Lollipop. When the big A does get here, don't bother running to your local Kingdom Hall because that will probably be burnt down also. Shove your religion up your ass, and all the hypocrisy that goes with it. You reply to questions like a true company yes man, allowing sad lonely sexless old men to tell you what to say. You are a mind controlled muppet.

  • somebody

    Hi wednesday,

    i told my husband about this, and he said "then why do we pray "in jesus name"? He said they did not say that or i must have misundrestood.

    A lot of JWS don't really know what the WTS teaches .

    I agree that JWs do not know what they are supposed to SAY that their human leaders/WT teach. I've come to the conclusion that for every question you ask them, thee are TWO opposite answers printed by the WTS by there play on words. ONE answer for the public, ONE answer for INSIDERS. That is why the WT teach their own followers to direct interested ones " from INITIAL CONTACT" to the organization, and tell it's own followers that they may be able to locate scriptures, but that's about it. Forget trying to explain their beliefs and backing those beliefs up with scriptures in THEIR OWN WORDS. The WT make sure that their followers STAY in the doublethink/confusion state of mind at all time. And they've been taught NOT TO independently think/think for themselves and make up their own minds on what they believe. That helps me to TRY to understand why they can't explain what they believe. I have talked to one years ago who stated what he believed YEARS ago. Even though his words did NOT GO against Watchtower dogma, he still felt the need to add a discalimer to cover his own butt from the wrath of the Watchtower INC. peace, gwen

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