By extension, I benefit from the new covenant. I pray in the name of Christ showing my respect for the arrangement. Since I am a beneficiary, then as God's High Priest he is my mediator.
Disussion with JWs re: ONE mediator
by somebody 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
*** Watchtower 1956 Feb 1 p.88 Cautious as Serpents Among Wolves ***
' In Jeremiah's day the false prophets prophesied lies in Jehovah's name and lied against his purpose, foretelling in his name what he had not foretold. Therefore Jehovah was against them
Religious liars like them today cannot escape a like judgment but will meet a like end at Armageddon '
Lollipop, have JW's ever said anything that would bring them into this catergory ?
Firstly, you told me in a previous post they are not prophets. Read this.
*** Watchtower 1959 January 15 pp.39-41 Down with the Old-Up with the New! ***
'Jehovah's witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them. ... It has been because Jehovah thrust out his hand of power and touched their lips and put his words in their mouths...'
*** Watchtower 1972 April 1 p.197 'They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them' ***
'This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women . It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses ... Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record'
So did they ever say things in Jehovah's name Lollipop? Well, how about concerning the 1914 Generation?
In 1975 it was no longer Awake! magazine’s promise but now became the Creator’s promise: "…the Creator’s promise of a new order of lasting peace and true security within our generation."—January 8, 1975
So It seems then that they have prophesied in the name of Jah things that haven't come to pass! Lollipop, are you going to explain this to me this time, or, as usual, are you going to simply ignore it with that great mental attitude you have adapted quite superbly... thanks to the Governing Body ?
. By extension, I benefit from the new covenant. BY WHAT EXTENSION? Is that extension fellow humans? A Higher Priest than Jesus? You can't have it both ways. Either the ransom ( Jesus' shed blood ) is your extension/mediator to God, or he isn't. There is NO kinda sorta here. Unless you are agreeing with the Wathtower INC's GB. The Bible says that there is only ONE mediator, or extension as you word it. So you either claim to follow the Bible or the Watchtower Society. You can serve two masters if that is what you choose to do, but you'll have a hell of time trying to do so. You'll have to keep it a secret to one, that you are following the other. That is not easy on your soul.
Will Power
here is the link
thanks Lady Lee
will p
By extension, I benefit from the new covenant.
You may benefit from the covenant but unless you are in that covenant then Jesus is not your mediator, according the WTS. This shouldn't be so hard to see; you're either in the covenant or you're not. If you are, then Jesus is your mediator. If you're not, then he is not your mediator. That's from the F&DS. If you don't accept that then you are in opposition to God's channel. If you do accept it then Jesus is not your mediator. Can't have it both ways. So which is it?
Thank you for putting that so clearly, Undercover.
The bumf about "benefitting from the covenant" is, imo, the Watchtower's way of fudging what is plainly a doctrine in conflict with what the Bible says. An average Witness will read it and be able to pretend that somehow the conflict has been resolved, whereas in reality, no reconciliation is possible between the WT doctrine and the Biblical doctrine.
Will Power,
Thank you providing the link to Lady Lee's post. What a profound post she made. It gave me goose bumps reading it because it's SO true.
It leads me to so many thoughts about what JWs who have been handed over to satan/Disfellowshipped too. I don't know who feel worse or hang their heads lower? Active JWs or df'd JWs who believe that they are worthless human beings.
Which is another subject.
But I hope all who read this thread take the time to read Lady Lee's post.
I thank you again Will Power, and I thank you Lady Lee if you happen to read this post.
By extension, I benefit from the new covenant. I pray in the name of Christ showing my respect for the arrangement. Since I am a beneficiary, then as God's High Priest he is my mediator.
Sword, By what Extension? The heavenly class? This is reminiscent of the Catholic teaching Mary being mediator between christ and man. If you are not fully convinced that Jesus is your only meditor then adding his name at the end of your prayer is futile. It's lip service. He is High Priest to the Father for a reason. You do not need man (those with the heavenly hope) to reach the Father. You only need the Son. He who loves the son is loved by the Father (John). I think that the issue is basically that the arrangement that you have been taught is flawed. The great crowd in Rev. is NOT an earthly scene! Read it for yourself. Lose the verse numbers and read it all together as a complete picture. As a matter of fact....the 144,000 seem to be the ones who are on the it in Rev.7:3,4. They are the Jews who will be saved by accepting Jesus as their messiah. The "other sheep" are not some earthy class of believers. They are the gentiles. The good news was given first to the Jew and then to the Greek. The 144,000 are the Jews and the great crowd are the gentiles who are Christian. That is what the bible teaches. It does not teach what you have been taught. It appears to say what the wt teaches because you haven't read it all by yourself in context by means of the holy spirit guiding you personally. I'm impressed by you Sword because you atleast have the guts to begin to examine what you've been taught, keep examining and prayerfully searching. Don't just trust people who seem kind and all-knowing to show you verses and add a big long explanation in the magazines to teach you what it means. The fist thing that I appreciated that the jw's said to me was that they do not take verses out of context like Chritendom does. I believed them but they were mistaken. Like I asked you earlier SeeK His Face and ask him and you will receive his undeserved kindness which you will never deserve, it is a free gift. Ask the Father to show you his Son. You will not be disappointed. love, dj
And I'd like to add some scriptures in response to what DJ is saying.
Matthew 15 : 7-9 (NWT)
YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’" 10 With that he called the crowd near and said to them: "Listen and get the sense of it: 11 Not what enters into [his] mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man."
So was Jesus telling the Pharisses that they were guilty of "worshipping" Him, or that they were guilty of "lip service"?
I couldn't have said it better. Good thing you did for me. love, dj