Who read Hebrews 11:13?
Where did Enoch go - God transferred him?
by Fisherman 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yoch. 3:13
"The Son of man who has been from the heaven" translation like "...is from heaven" is absolutely correct.
No men except Jesus went to heaven.
After his death, many "saw" heavens, but didn't go there...because it has to come not before the angel use the 7th Shofar. -
According the other sources (Jasher, Enoch, Apocryphal Gospels, Book of the Bee, Cave of Treasures etc.) here is what happened to him and his purpose:
Enoch has been transferred to heaven and Elijah was the second to be taken; these two are the 2 witnesses which appeared during transsfiguration of Jesus Christ and they are to appear during AntiChrist's reign (mentioned in the book of Revelation), they will die for 3 days then will rise.
I'm not hugely read up on this subject, but as Beli noted, there are volumes of non-Biblical references to Enoch. The stuff of legends; occasionally legends received brief mention in the Bible, and without the context of the source it is difficult to tell what the Bible verse is talking about. This reference to Enoch being 'taken' is one such reference to legend.
I thought it was really strange that God took Enoch after he was 365 years old. It seemed like a calculated departure date to coincide with the earth's revolution around the sun if you count a day for a year. The solar year is exactly 356.24219 days. I think this connection was on purpose and it brings to light the writings of Enoch 1. There are passages in that work that describe seasonal movements of the sun as if it were going through gates of change. The same is described of the moon as it changes position in the sky. There's even one section that says the moon will change its law and not be seen at the proper period.
Where did Enoch go —God transferred him?
That's a Brit joke, btw.
Punk 😂😂😂 he's not⤴️😵or ⤵️😵
He's gone to ➡️➡️➡️🤓😎🥸
Vidqun....John 3:13.
Yes, Enoch is one of the more ancient and enigmatic characters. The earliest layers of Jewish thought seems to have solar associations so the intertestamental literature likely reflect a very old tradition, perhaps drawn from Sumerian parallels.
Jubilees 4:17-18 "He was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months. And he was the first to write a testimony and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Sabbaths of the years as we made known to him."
I did a thread some time ago on the topic of the genealogies in Genesis.
Jabal Jubal and Tubal and Song of the Sword.
Leolaia does some speculating regarding the breakdown :
Enoch's Sumerian ancestors.
Christian writers certainly knew those traditions and drew upon them.