Let's think about it:
Schizophrenia's onset or manifestation usually occurs anywhere between late teens until early thirties/sometimes forties. The bible tells us very little about Jesus' childhood but it gives us the impression that he did not know that he was "god" or "god's" son. When he was in his early thirties, he was baptised and it was then that he saw the truth. Weird, huh? At about the same time that schizophrenia manifests itself, Jesus suddenly thinks that he is "god"/"god's son".
Let's look at some other characteristics:
- Jesus heard the voice of "god": Many schizophrenics have audible hallucinations (often god).
- Jesus thought he was "god"/"god's son": Schizophrenics often have delusions of grandeur (I'm god, god talks to me, I rule the world, etc.)
All of this is off the top of my head, so that's why it's not scientifically written or thorough. Let me know what you think.