| StinkyPantz, - Jesus heard the voice of "god": Many schizophrenics have audible hallucinations (often god). Jesus thought he was "god"/"god's son": Schizophrenics often have delusions of grandeur (I'm god, god talks to me, I rule the world, etc.)
I don't think that ALL of the scriptures are false. I believe that a man named Jesus claiming to be "god" or "god's son" most likely lived and was a very charasmatic speaker who won over people and gave them hope. The scriptures agree with this. The part that I do not believe is that he was a supernatural being.
If we stick to what is actually attributed to having been stated by Jesus, most will be surprised. You will find HE never claimed to be God, never claimed to be born of a virgin, no angels announcing his arrival, no special childhood, he claimed to be the ‘son of man’ and as you acknowledge he was a son of God like anyone else is a child of God. He never wrote a thing, did not authorize or even suggest any writing, did not start a new religion, did not call it Christianity, gave no instructions for replacing the Jewish system he was bring to an end, no commands regarding meeting together, how are when to meet, what to do if his followers met.
You may say but his followers said all these things about him. Maybe. While I believe Jesus was a great man and had something important to teach us, what we have today is a very biased and corrupted account of it. A simple search into where we got the Bible makes this clear. Marks Gospel account is the oldest and most reliable, the rest are filled with mythology and exaggeration while Johns account did not show up for almost 200 years and is clearly more mythology and Platonism than the account of the great teacher.
I do not want to damage anyone’s faith in the bible. There is great information there, but the reality is even Jesus would be disgusted with the bible account of his message. And the message stands on its own without the mythology and human theology stuffed into the package. Jst2laws |