Biden calls Trump supporters garbage

by moomanchu 60 Replies latest social current



    Going back and commenting on every single Social Media post predicting Kamala’s sweeping victory is so satisfying… It’s actually better than giving my J-Dumb Eldub brother the “told ya so” look as every doctrinal change I predicted happens like clockwork.

    It sucks to SUCK! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Poor Peanut.

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  • moomanchu

    I love this picture.

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  • Duran
    Going back and commenting on every single Social Media post predicting Kamala’s sweeping victory is so satisfying

    It would be so great to see/hear someone that was able to follow up on this woman and hear what see has to say now...

    I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 on X: "Good morning, this “political analyst’s” video is still up. Enjoy it! 😂😭😂" / X

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  • Simon

    Isn't it odd how Biden seems to have made a sudden and remarkable recovery?

    Suddenly the reason for replacing him with Kamala looks contrived ...

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  • MeanMrMustard

    Today Joe Biden shook hands with Hitler, and welcomed him to the Whitehouse.

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  • moomanchu
    Seeing Trump come back to the White House made me think of Pelosi trying to get Trump out of the White house with the 25th admendment back in 2020 I think.

    Fastforward to 2024 pappy Joe is good to go, laser focused, sharp as a tack, his staff can hardly keep up with him. He is so laser focused that Camala and Obama stabbed poor Pappy Joe in the back and kicked him to the curb..

    Biden single handedly ruined the idiom "laser focused."
    Whenever I hear it now I think of him and chuckle.

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  • TonusOH

    There was a video of Biden walking on the beach, and he seemed to struggle with maintaining his balance. Jill grabbed his arm at one point, but it seems like they wanted to show that he was okay by letting him go on his own. He almost fell once or twice. And his face tends to be expressionless more often than not; he seems to always be miles away.

    Still more popular than Harris, though.

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  • moomanchu

    At .07 seconds into the video I think he shit his pants.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm sure they consider the photo-op a success as he didn't actually fall on is face.

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