What would happen if the Watchtower decided no more meeting at Kingdom Halls, only Zoom?

by pistolpete 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_b_known

    My State's Governor ended all COVID-19 restrictions for our State about 90 days ago. I see Mormons out doing their preaching work. I see that the local churches have not only gone back to having services, but I can see them constructing additions to their facilities to handle the new inflow of members.

    Meanwhile, the Kingdom Hall in the neighborhood remains vacant. I haven't had a Witness visit my house in over 2 years. 2 consecutive virtual Memorials. 2 consecutive virtual Regional Conventions.

    Why go back? It wouldn't surprise me if they took this whole thing 100% virtual. Elders would be told to assign to brothers who gets to staff carts and those brothers would have to store the carts at their homes after hours.

    The Watchtower could sell off ALL Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. That money would be diverted to their studios and keep the zombie walking for decades.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    They are still under their beds. Maybe pinning hope on the delta variant. I am. When meetings do start there will be the realization of really dressing and traveling. We elderly can maybe opt out for health reasons or night blindness preventing driving. (damn the newer headlights )

    Those extra meetings were not private groups but local elders adding a half hour or more text every day and 2 hours special talk or video on Saturday. You were frowned on if you missed any.

  • WokenfromJWcult

    I know an 80+ year old in California, who has been a JW for over 50 years that hasn't been to a meeting since march of 2020 and doesn't remember how to connect to zoom each week. He has mild dementia and a few months ago he asked me if I had a gun he could borrow so he could shoot himself and go to the paradise he was promised so many years ago. I sensed he was not sincere, but he was lost without a place to go physically. I bet there are thousands of older JW,s who feel the same way. This organization is the most vile corrupt and misleading groups to have ever appeared on earth, to have lied and gotten away with it for over 100 years. If there was a Yahweh, he would have smitten this organization a long long time ago, along with Hitler, edie Amin, and a few others. I live across county so cant help him in person. No elder or brothers have reached out to him in over a year as far as He told me.

  • pistolpete

    They are still under their beds. Maybe pinning hope on the delta variant

    What happened to all those BRAVE HEROS JWS who would travel through crocodile infested waters just to attend a WT convention?

    I remember when I was little, one of my uncles told me that the director of the James Bond movie got one of his ideas from a Jehovah Witnesses who jumped on top of crocodiles to make it across a river and to the Convention.


  • truth_b_known
    I remember when I was little, one of my uncles told me that the director of the James Bond movie got one of his ideas from a Jehovah Witnesses who jumped on top of crocodiles to make it across a river and to the Convention.

    I remember when I was little I used to daydream about James Bond movies during the Conventions when they talked about Witnesses who would cross crocodile infested waters to get to the meetings.

  • hoser

    I heard from an elder they got direction from the branch to clean the Kingdom Hall. The elder assumed it’s that they are going back. Maybe it’s going for sale.

  • hybridous
    Many see the clock ticking and are wondering if the Big A will come in their lifetime.

    They've been wondering this for decades...
    now they're getting the answer...

    It's the answer I figured out at 11 years old, realizing my relatives were detached from reality thanks to this...Amway religion.

    This sucks for my people, but they deserve it...I wish they didn't.

    I wish a lot of shit was different...

  • pistolpete

    I sensed he was not sincere, but he was lost without a place to go physically. I bet there are thousands of older JW,s who feel the same way

    It affects the elderly because they were taught NOT to have kids because paradise was just around the corner and if they waited, Jah would bless them with PERFECT KIDS.

    Same with JW women. Don't marry NOW, Pioneer instead and Jah will provide a PERFECT HUSBAND in the New Order just right around the corner.

    Now 30-40 years have passed and they find themselves all alone with no family. Or perhaps their children got disfellowshipped and the parents shunned them for 40 years.

    The Watchtower is a sick piece of shit to put these people in such a situation

  • S0ShowdidIgethere

    PistolPete - a couple months ago this thought was keeping me awake at night. The inevitable future of being elderly, but with no children or family that cared. That they'd be DF-ed or I'd be DF-ed or that they would drift away and never talk to me again. That I'm not allowed to contribute to a 401k because if I do I'm not relying in Jehovah...

    All My husband could tell me is that I have to stay close to the congregation because they will take care of me.

    Last week a 80 y/o single sister in our hall was disfellowshipped...she's on oxygen, and most of her care and support comes from the congregation...I can't imagine what on earth could be the reason for it either. Maybe blood for a medical procedure? idk...

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The thought of going out and driving to a mid week meeting when it's cold and pittling down with rain and hail is not something Sis England nor I want to even think about!

    I know of many others in the congregation who feel exactly the same. The sooner the "For Sale" board goes up the better.


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