I sometimes talk to this JW lady at a certain cantina, she says they still dress up for zoom except when it comes to the shoes
What would happen if the Watchtower decided no more meeting at Kingdom Halls, only Zoom?
by pistolpete 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think the Org will go totally online but have convention hall$ still. Everything else online. Not sure how the preaching dumbass work will go maybe back to cart work. No one opens the door anymore.
Anna Marina
According to the Masons, some JWs have joined their lodge.
"According to the Masons, some JWs have joined their lodge." ?????
That was always a HUGE No-No when I was a J.W. Masons worship a strange god according to JW's not their " Jehoober".
There will be an item on a Zoom Meeting soon about this, if it is true !
maybe the masonic lodges are the new “territory” lol but they already have their own brotherhood, i doubt u could convert many there to JW.
i wouldn’t be surprised if some/all GB members are masons.
Anna Marina
Phizzy it is true according to the Masons. But they do tell lies but so does the Watchtower.
MrRoboto - There is talk of some elders being Masons too. Nothing would not surprise me. Even the land at Chelmsford has historical connections to the Knights Templars - maybe the GB are Knights Templar members? Or similar. After all they used the cross and crown symbol on the Watchtower and that is a Knights Templar symbol.
See final section of this video at 1:22:36
Anna Marina
Just found this too. Do you remember the Creator book? It opened up discussing the words of Paul Gauguin.
*** ct chap. 1 p. 5 What Can Add Meaning to Your Life? ***
HAVE you dreamed of enjoying a better life, whether in your home area or in a tropical paradise? At one time or another, most of us have.
In 1891, French artist Paul Gauguin went to find such a life in French Polynesia. But reality soon set in. His dissolute past brought disease and suffering to himself and others. As he felt death approaching, he painted what has been described as a “final affirmation of artistic force.” The book Paul Gauguin 1848-1903—The Primitive Sophisticate says: “The spectrum of human activity encompassed by the painting spans all of life, from birth to death . . . He was interpreting life as a great mystery.”
Gauguin named that painting “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?”
Well here's some info about Paul Gauguin - he was a Rosicrucian and a Theosophist - oh and a Free Mason.
Paul Gauguin's baphomet self portrait Freemason , Eliphas Levi, Madame Blavatsky Van Gogh Fakes
What would happen if the Watchtower decided no more meeting at Kingdom Halls, only Zoom?
I don't have any predictions on this. It could swing in either direction. Mind you....I imagine the GB will do whatever brings in or saves them money and rock star status......probably whiskey in the case of TOMO3.
Follow the money.
cha ching
Personally, I think of the WTBS as a corporation. A business, interested in making money. I believe they have "seen the writing on the wall," young people exiting, more waking up, and KNOW that they must restructure, pure and simple, and have hired PR people, business savy people to help them slow the exiteers.
Videos, kids, less costs. Those Caleb & Sophia videos had my non-JW nieces afraid of their "My Litttle Pony" toys eager to toss them in the garbage in one showing of "Sparlock." Convinced that they were demonized, afraid out of their skins.
The other niece came back from a visit with PIMI grandma and grandpa afraid mom & dad would die at Armageddon if they didn't become JWs.. she was 4.
When WT had the "bright idea" that individual congregations "sign over" their Kingdom Halls to WT, "for liability sake, so 'in the future (the long term, well planned business decision future) they can sell them.
I think they will do something like:
sell off K Halls, make a video studio, move to Brazil, (the GB have been "taken to heaven, so obey their helpers") and either totally 'disappear with the cash, or merge (secretly) with another corporation and become a different business with whatever deception it takes.
We'll see.
cha ching
I think they will do something like:
sell off K Halls, make a video studio, move to Brazil, (the GB have been "taken to heaven, so obey their helpers") and either totally 'disappear with the cash, or merge (secretly) with another corporation and become a different business with whatever deception it takesIf I was in the Governing Body, I would vote to make you the NEXT GOVERNING BODY MEMBER.
We need more thinkers.