Here is a classic tune for you former and present worshippers of Jehovah. Who knows, maybe will do tribute to it:
Why Jehovah`s Witnesses are wrong emphasising the name Jehovah.
by smiddy3 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Comparing Yahweh to Jehovah, not particularly close is it.
The Orthodox Jews dont even use Jehovah and this god originated from them.
Anyways JWs are not true witnesses for Jehovah or Jesus since they are apostate false prophets/teachers.
The originating men (Russell, Rutherford) self proclaimed they were selectively chosen by God (Jehovah)(1919) because of their truthful and accurate bible adherence,
This self propagation was made by these men only but the bible says their activity was an act of apostasy in direct apposition to Jesus's instructions for preaching his new Kingdom order.
Jehovah is a Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה
Johnamos: Adonai + YHWH became Yehowah. And Yehowah became Jehovah. I still call it a nick name. They still don't know what the original pronunciation was. Because this is less than exact science, it seems very loathsome that they then judge other religions that don't use that particular pronunciation.
And there are plenty of other religions that do use the name Jehovah religions that used the Douay version of the Bible being the Catholic `s ,the king James version of the Bible that many Protestant religions use the name , and even the Mormons have used the name Jehovah I believe .
And the name Jehovah is printed in stone on many churches throughout Europe that are centuries old.
The U.S.A. army during world war two used the code name JEHOVAH in one of it`s campaigns .
Also the United states Marines chanted the the song that had the words "who is like Jehovah " in recent years.
"Days of Elijah" I think it is called .their is a video of them singing it,a very catchy tune.
A serious question for American voters.:
A Q&A program by the ABC Network here in Australia, had Kim Hoggard on the panel who was a former advisor to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush Snr.
And she made a comment that one of the problems in American elections was that the Electoral College favours smaller States than the bigger ones ?
Can anyone explain why this would be the case ? And what it means to the outcome of the elections ?
it seems very loathsome that they then judge other religions that don't use that particular pronunciation.
That's because they are 'loathsome' people.
Adonai + YHWH became Yehowah. And Yehowah became Jehovah.
First off there is no E in Adonai so to think that the name Yehowah/Jehovah came about by using the vowels from Adonai to pronounce YHVH does not hold water.
Regardless, putting the pronunciation/spelling of God's name aside for the moment, I have shown that there are many Hebrew names that use part of יהוה as either a prefix or suffix. These names never stopped being pronounced. The spelling of these Hebrew names did not come about because of word Adonai or a Monk as said to be the case with God's name.
It only stands to reason that if these names are said to mean things like:
[YHVH has judged, YHVH will raise, YHVH is salvation, YHVH has remembered, YHVH has comforted, YHVH is exalted]
then the same way that the part of God's name that is spelled/pronounced in those names should also be the way God's name is spelled/pronounced, which would be יהו Yeho + ה ah = Yehoah/Jehoah.
Jehoshaphat - Jeremiah
Jehoiakim - Isaiah
Jehoram - Nehemiah
Jehoiachin - Zechariah
there are plenty of other religions that do use the name Jehovah
Even Indiana Jones...LOL.
stan livedeath
how about if they changed the name to tetragrammaton witnesses ?
JW GoneBad
how about if they changed the name to tetragrammaton witnesses ?
Not a bad idea stan livedeath!
Or maybe...YHWH's Witnesses or put another way...Witnesses for YHWH!
This way WT can finally truly say that they have gotten rid of any and all vestiges or traces of false religion. After all the name 'Jehovah' did indeed originate with the Catholic Church who JWs in their literature have often referred the C. C. to The Mother of Harlots!
First they can't use Yahweh's Witnesses since another group uses that name I believe. There are MANY denominations of christianity that use Yahweh or Jehovah.
I have a bible on my shelf that has Yahweh in the NT more the the NWT does!
As far as to how YHWH is pronounced a poster above pointed out various Hebrew names contain YHWH so a general idea amoung schoolars seems to be Yahweh.
Of course the Shashu pople who orginated thos god would be rolling on the floor laughing if they knew 3000 years later people were debating or even still worshipping their god.