I'm trying to write my speech on the DUBS I am freaking my heart is pounding and I'm so angry. I just can't calm down GOD I hope I can present it. I guess I was repressing a lot more than I ever thought. I pulled some info off the web that just got me going.
by SheilaM 26 Replies latest social relationships
its ok..i have a #4 speech next week at the Theo Scool and I will pray to Jehovah..you should too.
its ok..i have a #4 speech next week at the Theo Scool and I will pray to Jehovah..you should too
That is just TOO FUNNY...roflmfao, not the answer you were expecting huh Sheila.
Lady Lee
Sheila focus on your breathing and have a good scream in the pillow if you have to.
Personally I like taking a tennis raquet to the sofa - gets out the anger and cleans the sofa at the same time.
Sometimes getting all riled up is good. But we still need to find healthy ways to release all that energy. For people who run or work out or play sports getting out there and doing it really helps as long as they don't over do it. But as you get more riled up the adrenaline in your suystem builds and the best way to release it is to do something physical. So have a rant or a run. Beat the sofa or a pillow.
And remember to breathe. Very often when we are upset we forget to breathe.
And when you get up there - focus on the audience - one or two people, take a deep breathe and keep breathing
Big Tex
Best advice ever given me was by Xenawarrior:
>breathe in breathe out<
Got me through a very difficult memorial service.
Ghost of Esmeralda
I'm so sorry. Wish there was something I could say that would help. Along with the others, I say just breathe, slowly, deeply and preferably with your eyes closed for a few minutes. Will help you physically slow down when your mind is racing...
I also suggest relaxation Yoga...there's a great video that even I can do with my health issues. Haven't had time in awhile, man I really gotta get that thing back out.
If you want the name of the video, e mail me.
Feel better!!!!!!!!!
XW & Tex are right the road to calm is in the breath. Inhale air through the nostril exhale through the mouth. Promise this works you'll feel a sense of relaxation in a little bit you might even feel a bit dizzy. Don't let it bother you or frighten you your body get used to it. This form of breathing is practice in yoga. MM try it too it will help.
Sheila, you may want to try reviewing some of the fine speech counsel points the the TMS Guidebook, or the new one, Benefitting from Theocratic Education.
Thanks you guys I have it typed read it to Melanie on the phone and presented it to Thunder. I made it almost through but I started crying at the end *Yikes* I don't wanna cry in front of the class My heart is still pounding and my palms are sweaty. Thunder was mad that I didn't wake him when I had the anxiety attack, I hadn't had one in such a long timeDamn them. Oh and to top it off there are storms that are hitting hard here and hit at my sisters in Oklahoma and I can't reach her. My speech is just a value speech 5-7 minuts and I couldn't be to detailed.
Here is my speech:
23,720 cases of known acts of molestation on file
Male dominated clergy
Excommunication of followers that violate doctrine.
You may here this information and think I’m speaking of the Catholic Church. I’m not; I am describing aspects of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
“I spent over 16 years being “lied” to by the Jehovah’s witnesses. I raised my two children in it, depriving them of family traditions and holidays. I have seen the backlash of theses lies destroy people than have spent their lives trying to serve “Jehovah”(Which is the organizations name for God.)
Imagine yourself at a low-point in your life, searching for spiritual love and support. You are sleeping or up having breakfast and your doorbell rings. You aren’t’ expecting anyone but you answer the door, to find two nicely dressed women. They smile and bible in hand asks you what your hope for everlasting life is. You talk, then they leave you with two magazines one titled “The Watchtower and one titled “The Awake”, you read them. The next week they come back, you let them in.”
Have you ever heard the old saying “welcome, to my parlor said the spider to the fly?”
Well, by your accepting their free bible study they have now ensnared you in their web of lies and half-truths. The fault is not so much with the followers most are as deceived as you will soon be.
Three of the doctrines they adhere to blindly are:
1. Women have no role in the congregation except to “preach from door to door”. The Elders or leaders of the Hall (church) have absolute power.
2. You are to except no blood or to celebrate any holiday
3. Violation of any “serious” matter is grounds for disfellowshipping, the term they use for kicking you out
I am here today to explain to you why I believe the Jehovah’s Witness organization are Liars. Liars seem like a very harsh word for spiritual leaders but the definition is a person or persons that lie or in this case a multi-billion dollar organization.
For me the worship of God was supposed to uplift and strengthen but I believe that their entire organization not only seems to thrive on tearing down a person. But also families.
The organization was founded in 1879, by a Charles Russell. The headquarters are in Brooklyn New York and the power descends from the Governing body (which is a group of very elderly men.) that dictates every aspect of life as a witness.
As I stated the role of women is minimal in the organization. It is a very misogynistic organization (misogyny means a hatred of women). As a woman, you are not allowed any involvement in the congregation except for going door –to- door. You are not even allowed to pray at a bible study in the presence of a man without a head-covering. The belief is that man is the head of the household and the congregation.
In their version of the bible which is called the New World Translation they use scripture to support their view of women as stated at www.freeminds, org 1 Timothy 2:11-15
Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression. However, she will be kept safe through childbearing, providing they continue in faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind. (NWT)
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as shown recently with the computer files secretly sent to an Elder in Kentucky, William H. Bowen. In these, he found records of 23,720 cases of molestation, these “men of God” concealed. Since the exposure of the concealing of records of molestation, the governing body has ordered the disfellowshipping of anyone taking the victims side. In fact as Mr. Bown described on a segment of CBS evening news May 2, 2003. When Mr. Bown chose to go to authorities about a pedophile in his congregation, he was disfellowshipped.
Imagine driving with your family and suddenly your hit head on by another car. For most there would be a chance of living but for a Jehovah’s Witness this may mean death. They are not allowed to accept blood. The governing body views this as: Read page 1
Also, their belief also allows no celebration of any holiday. I.e.: Christmas, Easter, and Birthdays. In one of their books Make sure of all things p.241 Holidays usually have pagan, non-Christian origin and often accompanied by lewed practices such as drunkenness, fornication etc.
Yes, individuals can be disfellowshipped for not standing their ground on many issues. You might be thinking, “So, you don’t have to go to church what is the big deal”. In the Jehovah’s’ witnesses disfellowshipping is a severe punishment, it means you are totally shunned. Meaning NO one is allowed to speak to you. This belief tears families apart. Many people have killed themselves after being torn from the congregation. See in the life of a Jehovah’s witness you are taught to avoid worldly association anyone not a witness so your family and friends are all you have, then suddenly for the silliest of reasons you have no one. (2) Read (Pay attention p.92, 135)
So, they allow men and women that pedophiles in the congregation. women have no role, you can die from not accepting blood, you can’t celebrate holidays and if you don’t’ walk the walk they kick you out. WHY would anyone want to be involved in such an organization. Sometimes you’re born into it, sometimes your drawn into it. I thought it was the right way to raise my children, I was wrong. Now I would tell anyone thinking of being a Jehovah’s Witness run and NEVER look back.