This while venture into the wicked WWW could be a two-edged sword. Yes, the truly hardcore glassy-eyed zealots will eat this poo up and beg for more. They won't question because that would require thinking and their brains' thought centers have rusted up. That sort won't see anything wrong and will merrily carry on as usual.
But, there are others in the JW ranks who WILL see something wrong. If I were still in, I'd have been offended by Tight Pants Tony, embarrassed by Lett, annoyed by Splane. The broadcasts would have been a big help in getting me out. Too bad it wasn't around way back when. Sigh. But others will be helped to wake up by the broadcasts. And if outsiders are exposed to these videos and see the GB in all their idiocy, they're a lot less likely to join. 'True believers' can keep the whole thing ticking over only so long without fresh blood.