They are firing out all sorts of indications of desperation in all directions and in multi-colour. But some people just don't see it.
the watchtower is starting to crumble
by pepperheart 114 Replies latest watchtower bible
Slim, lets review: its a cult. Wait! That was just a reflex....
lets review: the cgi is still around. It actually did not “disintegrate”. It still exists. You went to a meeting. There are still members of the cgi who meet, worship and acknowledge membership in said church. Therefore it did not “disintegrate”. Im trying to think of more ways to say it but honestly its so silly and obvious i just cant reformulate it any other way. Its still around. Like the jw’s will be... how does that in anyway make your point that jw’s will be gone shortly?
also also, you completly missed the lesson of the cgi with regard to the jw’s. When wcg founder Herbert armstrong died they did indeed lose members and suffer what amounted to collapse before they retooled into cgi. The jws had that exact same moment 101 years ago when ct russell died and the ibsa eventually splintered into jw’s/ibsa.
Your comparision is a century out of date.
Also also also stan (little mac), you’ll go bald worrying over my spelling... oops too late! Sorry stan. Please continue enjoying national socialists grammer duty :)
Forgot to add @jp- thats very interesting! I never saw that journal, i wounder how much of that was an accident and how much was one plagiarizing the other
Locally here in the Midwest, I just don't see it. Its business as usual among the rank and file. It seems I am the lone voice in the wilderness
You go back and forth between the org being gone today or the org hanging around for decades and slowly declining.
He goes back and forth between the Org( and other churches) full stop!!😂😂
Lol @nowwhat... Shirley you see me arguing (over 1k slim threads) that org is ok.. (and dont call me Shirley)
Renunciation of their past, decimation of membership, change of name, dozens of splinter groups, financial ruin, complete disunity, you don't consider that collapse?
If that's your definition of survival then I guess I agree with you that Watchtower will "survive".
In order for it to be described as a "collapse" what exactly would you demand happen? That there be no members of Watchtower or any successor or splinter organisation anywhere in the world instantly? I think we can agree that's impossible. But if that's the only measure you'd accept then I guess you will always be right about Watchtower "survival".
morph grammer duty
er..grammar 😂
Slim, i would hope we both agree that it was you who used the words “collapse” and “disintegrate”. I can only go off your word choice in determining your meaning. If your suggesting that you were using a bit of hyperbole i can certainly accept and understand that as i too use exageration to make points at times..
that said, you did indeed use the words aforementioned as well as give the time frame of a year or two. So lets clarify... does that mean you would categorize a loss of 1% in two years as disintegration? A loss of 5%? The question isnt what i would define as collapse or disintegration, they arnt my words nor my belief. What would YOU define as such...?
I remain steadfastly on the record: the jw’s are not collapsing disintegrating or anything of the sort. They will plod along for a long long time, marginal baptisms, no real growth, just sort of maintaining what we see now, membership wise.
So on the record: what is your expectation, your belief that will meet your choice of wording
You will still vasilate
What does a young single guy buy a bottle of Vaseline for?