by Mary 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Abaddon: I'm curious as to what kind of laws Holland has regarding driving while under the influence of pot. Are they similar or identical to alcohol laws? I think that there is really no valid excuse for continue to criminalise this substance. An awful lot of crime-fighting resources are wasted upon it that could be put to better use. Legalising it and regulating it would reduce the criminal element while providing another useful source of taxation revenue (I hold the same attitude toward prostitution). However, peripheral issues such as the driving one should be addressed first before pot is legalised, imo. Expatbrit

  • shamus

    Chretien is going to have it pushed through in the next 8 months, so it's a go. Just to give you an update. Paul Martin, the next PM also 100% supports it....

    It's only DECRIMINALIZED, not LEGAL....big difference. It means that you don'thave a criminal record anymore and only get a fine....

  • hawkaw

    Hmm ...

    Chretien is going to have it pushed through in the next 8 months, so it's a go.

    Well that is not quite true. The government is required to give a "Bill" three readings in the House and it also must go to committee for review after the second reading. And it must all be passed before the end of this "session" of the government. That could be this summer or fall depending on the calendar. If the Bill doesn't make it, the Bill is dead and would have to be re-introduced into the House of Commons in the next session of Parliament - which will likely occur later in fall or early next spring.

    All in all I just don't know what the Feds are going to do even though I know what they have announced publically. But I know what the lower courts have stated about that section of the Criminal Code of Canada. It's "gonzo" folks! To amend the Criminal Code of Canada to fit the jurisprudence as the Feds are now trying to do is going to be difficult. And of course those idiots in the USA who should know better and other federal Canadian parties who are trying to attract rightwing voters will no doubt delay any Bill. Quite frankly, if I were the Feds, I would appeal to the Supremes and let them decide what to do with the current law. Of course all the while we will be waiting for the decision, the police can't charge "weed tokers" for possession thanks to the lower courts ruling.


  • shamus

    Yes, Hawk.

    It does have to go through all that - however, the way that Chretien is running things right now with his caucus he does not tolerate dissent - in other words, it will PROBABLY be going through.... only time will tell.

  • hawkaw

    Respectfully, since the annoucement of the old man's retirement, his government, specifically the liberal back benchers (MPs) from Ontario have been slowing him up on his agenda as they don't "fear" the old man anymore.

    The MPs are all trying to set themselves up for cabinet and committee posts in the new government after Martin (or one of the others - unlikely though) becomes PM.

    It has been common that during the times a PM announces his/her retirement things rarely get done because the party is trying to get its leadership in place before going forward with its agenda. What is uncommon is the long stretch between announcement of retirement and actual retirement.

    Don't count on much getting done in Ottawa but you never know.


  • shamus


    DO YOU WANNA FIGHT, SUKA???? (just kidding!!!) I love how we have to "dance" around here to get opinions across... "respectfully"....

    We could be the talk of the board.... "forget U.S. politics, those Canadians are killing each other over Chretien.... (who is he>????)"

    Well, that is it - the Canadian Fight is on... let's all get together and fight about.... welll.......... what is there to fight about?

  • hawkaw

    Actually I wasn't even thinking about a fight etc. That's just my style of writing and there was no dancing. Sorry about that.

    I was just trying get the facts out at the federal level and tried to base it on my experience in getting Bills enacted and/or regulations proclaimed in a Canadian legislature. God, we just finished off a regulation that took 7 years to amend from start to finish. Can you imagine if we had to put it through the legislative process.

    But you are right in that Bills do get through to amend existing Acts like the Criminal Code of Canada or create new Acts. But the political "will", political "guts" and political priority all have to be there. And that is where you and I somewhat disagree in this particular case.

    Take care,


  • riz

    that does it. i'm moving to canada and i'm gonna smoke myself retarded.

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