Do You Believe Polls Saying Trump Will Lose To Biden?
by minimus 160 Replies latest jw friends
But at least if Uncle Joe does a fireside chat, he'll be smiling and won't be calling you a son-of-a-bitch.
Even if Trump were referring to me, I'd rather have that any day over Uncle Joe's insincere, phoney smile. Trump is out with it, and I find that to be refreshing. If they're all venomous snakes, then Trump is out in the open, whereas, Uncle Airhead and his side are hidden in the grass.
I honestly believe that Trump cares more about the country than Uncle Joe.
Thanks for the link, unfortunately it is firewalled for me.
It would be interesting to know the methodology he uses. Of course the grand caveat in all such models, "correlation does not imply causation". It's fairly easy to "retcon" a model to fit past circumstances and say "this will predict the future", but that is not always the case.
That, and circumstances now are much different than 4 months ago, and indeed much different than in any other past presidential election. There are simultaneous unprecedented (or at least exceedingly rare) crises shaping public opinion. The candidates' positions and responses to those crises will drive the voting results far more than any of the "traditional" motivations in 2020. So I wonder if his modeling takes these highly unusual circumstances into account.
Do You Believe Polls Saying Trump Will Lose To Biden?
Yes based upon the midterm elections and the over 40 different polls recently conducted all across the country.
Even if Trump were referring to me, I'd rather have that any day over Uncle Joe's insincere, phoney smile. Trump is out with it, and I find that to be refreshing.
@Magnum ...
That may be OK with some. I get it. Maybe it is just the way the message is presented.
When I turned 60 and had the colonoscopy thing recently, it was more refreshing to hear the doctor say that all will be well and you won't feel anything as opposed to a doctor screaming that we are going to stick this thing up your ass.
Sadly there does not seem to be any news anymore. Those are long gone days. Every one has a bias.
@wolverines ...
You are correct. As in the case of my colonoscopy, you are either getting it by an old guy (Biden) smiling at you or some old miserable fat guy (Trump) calling you a son-of-a-bitch for wasting his time.
In the end, same results. Enjoy the insertion. When you wake up, just smile.
Maybe it's just me, but I just got this visual of Trump screaming and cussing and then Biden not realizing that he is scratching his back with the colonoscopy stick.
I know, I know, I need to take my meds and go to sleep.
The important point in the video, related to this thread, is the pattern. Fear, anger... then Biden polls meant to push the public toward a conclusion.