We had 2 fancy dress parties in our congregation...before the ban. It was the BEST fun we ever had together. Problem was some came as pirates with swords! A cowboy with a gun. A male pioneer came as a female ballerina. This is just looking for J.W trouble! A Witness brought her bible study to show we had normal parties and fun like everyone....no wrong not anymore! Also one time a Ministerial servant dressed as Elvis sang some songs lost all his "privledges." A brother and his bride wanted a pirate themed wedding and the Elder refused to marry them because of the fake swords....the control and bullcrap is just mindblowing! All bible students should SEE this before signing your life away.
Fancy dress parties banned...anyone else?
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences
We never had parties like those. Our congregation had three parties each year. One in the Spring at the local park where it was potluck. One down at the city building, also potluck. And one out at an elder's farm during the Fall where his family would smoke meat and build a bonfire. All of them had to be casual wear only. Basically they wanted us to look as much like Watchtower's paradise pictures as possible.
Slidin Fast
One of our party in which someone a pioneer, dressed as in horns and a tail as the devil made the Circuit Assembly pep talk as one of the horrific godless that should be condemned...now.
Of course it was totally harmless good fun. It was a long, long time ago.
I remember kid parties where the children were to dress like characters from the Bible. Many characters were loyal servants of Jehovah who spilled generous amounts of gentile blood to clear out the promised land. That was ok.
I remember a party where we played Bible charades. When it was my turn I conscripted the youngest children as possible and my brother. I was Elisha. The children were children. My brother the bear. As my brother pretended to maul the small children all the adults laughed.
I am so glad we never went to one of the those awful pirate parties.
There was a formal dress party in this area (midwest US) in the '90s. There were several young ladies who were exceptionally good looking and it seemed to draw the young guys like honey. Some drove upward of 500 miles. I wasn't there, but it caused quite a stir and a crackdown on open invitation parties of any sort.
Aren’t all JW meetings fancy dress? Everyone comes as a businessman
road to nowhere
Slim; actually used car salesman. (Buy here, pay here)
We used to have potlucks. Actually good times. One couple did formal dances in lieu of proms. Many moons ago a brother with land hosted target shooting.
The local good ol boys used machetes for swords and steel tipped spears in a drama. Made me nervous seeing elders act like 10 years old with them.
In one party only bible characters were allowed.
One sister came as Rahab the prostitute.
One brother came as King Solomon with many wives
One brother came as drunken Lot and two young teenage girls as his two daughters who......
One sister came as Bathsheba with a bar of soap and her boyfriend as King David
Several single sisters came as Moabite Dancers
One came as Judah and his girlfriend/daughter in law-Tamar
One brother came as Judas
One brother came as Satan
Several brothers came as Demons
One Big Brother came as a Nephelim
Several single sisters came as those girls who married the fallen angels
I remember a couple back in my younger days.
One was “jungle”-themed… I went as Indiana Jones. The other was just to dress “tacky”. I wore a silly necktie.
A couple goofball guys cross-dressed for the second, and it got the more uptight older folks in a twist, but they turned out to be the life of the party.
My Name is of No Consequence
I remember going to a few. They were fun.
What do j-dubs do for fun these days?