They drink - at home.
Fancy dress parties banned...anyone else?
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences
My Name is of No Consequence
... What do j-dubs do for fun these days?Watching Youtube-Vidos - where others make fun of Lloyd Evans Thailand escapade
stan livedeath
never went to a fancy dress bash--but in my jw teens i went to a few parties where the parents were out of the house--even on holiday. One such lasted the whole weekend. Everyone was drunk, sleeping where they collapsed. The house was a right mess. Quite a few punch ups too.
Being in the truth was fun back then.
Only bible based dress ups, but you couldnt be any of the naughty characters, Jesus or Jehovah.
the most recent cong i was in, 15 years back one of the elders wives thought she was the next speilberg and did a drama. Got all the kids and some adults involved, they hired a school hall put on this drama, charged a fee ofcourse to attendees. She roped me into videoing it for them and putting copies of it on dvd, which she no doubt sold to people.
@My Name is of No Consequence==> NOTHING; NOT A DAMN THING!
I say this because from the PIMOs myself and my exdub family members know that they are counseled not to engage in a whole lot to a few RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Hell, there are eldubs, MSs, RPs, and AXPs (Auxiliary Pioneers) telling other dubs with the same titles not to go to the movies, concerts, or get engrossed in sports, including going to a local gym or sporting club for their own health, fitness, and wellness! All because WT really wants the R&F to spend time in their cultcorporation's pursuits and give the $$$$ that is usually spent on having REAL/NORMAL FUN donated to line their damn pockets/coffers!