Pet Zahut, She never cheated on her hubby , it was the other way round.
She tried to get me into the cult , but I couldnt help laughing when I saw wome of the literature , guess Im too logical .
She is , like most JWs a very nice person and would nver ask me for any financial support, she is fact quite well of . I love hearing advice but scaremongering is something akin to what the WT does , so why bother ?
Crabby Ive known her over a year . And you really dont like anyone do you lol : )
Raven, yes that my intention , just play it by ear . But am slowly getting pissed off with it all . I see lots of improvement , I see more and more of the real her . Its weird sometimes we will be walking and talking and she will stop , look at me and say " I m not going to leave the JW ", she will repeat this once or twice . Weird , I dont mind telling you , that freaks me out .