would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 196 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Wishing this had stayed on topic

  • blondie

    Me too,, Lee.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    My answer to the title of this topic thread is "No". For me it is better to be POMO, than to to PIMO, and it is better to be PIMO than PIMI, but it would be have far better to have never ever become PIMI.

    I wish I had never become baptized as a JW and I wished I had never become a publisher (in the JW sense) and I wish had never joined the theocratic ministry school. [I joined the theocratic ministry school at age 8.] I wish had become an atheist before age 8 (or even better, remained a non-believer in God since the moment I was born). I wish as a very young child that I had stopped making prayers (despite my parents and the religion telling me to pray at bedtime and before each meal). I wish my mother hadn't said I had to pray and hadn't taught me how to pray. I wish I had disobeyed the Bible and my mom as a very young child, in regards to by refusing to pray and in regards to demanding (or at least urging) to not be taken to the kingdom hall. I think I it might would have been better for me if I had rebelled against my father, in regards to by complaining about having to participate in WT Bible study with my father and sister (though that would have resulted in me getting multiple intense spankings by my father and being frequently yelled at by him).

    I wish I had never started reading WT literature. I wish I never ever been raised to read the Bible or even to be religious. I wish I had never been told to believe in God and the supernatural.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I am glad to know considerable evidence that no personal god/God exists and that nothing (and no one) supernatural exists.

  • LV101

    ExBeth - sorry, haven't had time to catch up here. I've always hoped there's a God and all (or most) could certainly use a bit of hope/help -- it's brutal thinking otherwise, however, trying to walk in reality and do the best I can for others and myself however limited the time, life's demands. Life is precious and I'm grateful for it, of course.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    LV101, if there really was a loving god/God who took a personal interest in people and helped them with their problems, such as curing them (not just a tiny percentage of people) of fatal diseases and fatal injuries, and helped people to find true love and be happy (and helped humanity to live harmoniously in peace), that would be a good joyous thing. But there is no conclusive evidence that such a deity exists. There are happy stories of apparitions of Catholic saints (such as the Virgin Mary) helping people and if they are true (hypothetically speaking) that would great, but I have no proof that the stories are true.

  • lriddle80

    God promised to save us eternally and to be "with us" as we go through suffering in this life. He sure has been with me as I have suffered and has never left me or forsaken me even though people certainly have! If there isn't a God then there truly is no love that exists and hope is no where to be found among mere selfish humans as we are at the mercy of unstable weather and evil of mankind. Meaninglessness would certainly overcome. But that's not really the case thankfully! ♥️

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Yes Meaninglessness would certainly overcome.

    So there are two distinct groups on here, one says there is no evidence of intelligent design so it must have been chance origin of the universe and there is the other group who says there is still no clear evidence of chance as the origin so it must have been intelligently originated.

    The third group is like me PIMA. Agnosticism means you doubt either option will have proof presented. Both groups claim to have have proof but it can all be argued against that it’s not actually proof of their theory but actually proof of the opposing theory.

    I still wonder was I happier when I was fully PIMI? I think I was.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    The third group is like me PIMA. Agnosticism means you doubt either option will have proof presented. Both groups claim to have have proof but it can all be argued against that it’s not actually proof of their theory but actually proof of the opposing theory.

    I think it is much harder to prove god exists than to prove he doesnt. What is the criteria that would prove god exists?

    I think it was Ricky Gervais that said that if you took away all knowledge of both religion and science, science would eventually be re-discovered and be exactly the same. Religion would be totally different.

    However, I would add to this that religion would probably be the same in the way it is now. That is, every religion teaches its members they have a chance to cheat death - provided they follow the rules of that particular religion.

    Yes Meaninglessness would certainly overcome.

    Many would argue that life is ultimately meaningless now. Birth, procreation, death- just like every other thing. Eventually we are all forgotten.

  • LV101

    Disillusioned -- I got it!! I can still wish otherwise but I have much 'hopium' -- lots of delusions. I'm a real skeptic -- and had doubts from Day 1 about WT but I was brainwashed reading the 'journals' as they were referred to. As stupid as they were -- I was hooked and had couple friends/ other women who couldn't wait to receive them. Just KRAZY!!

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