What Did You Do With All Your Meeting Clothes?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    Now that my belly is the size of a small planet and I have my own post code area, I grew out of them.

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  • smiddy3

    Its that long ago I cant remember ,but then again I have trouble remembering what i did last week.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    in my teens--in the 60's--it was the norm for smart young men to wear suits. i had several--all bespoke. those days are long gone..and i miss them. nowadays i slop around in jeans, chinos and cords..but shorts all through the summer months. i own one suit--an off the peg cheapo from matalan i bought for my (df) sons wedding. in the photos i look dreadful. a square person with no neck and shaved head in an ill shaped blue suit. i was going to throw it away but then i got married so wore it for that.

    i'm going to my wife's company xmas dinner with her---and just bought a brand new tux off ebay--still with labels on---£1-50 !!! plus postage. thats about 2 dollars i think. it fits ok--provided i dont do the button up. people will think i'm the doorman.

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  • TheFadingAlbatros

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  • tiki

    Punk....belly the size of a small planet....hahaha!!!😝

    I never distinguished much between meeting and work clothes so mostly no issue. But...oddly enough....I have still hanging in my closet the dress I donned when I attended my last meeting....and left after the talk because I had no WT and they had a bunch of extras and when passing them out avoided me. I don't know why I keep it...I never wore it again and likely never will...some sort of weird reminder of freedom from the mind twisting religion.

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  • LoveUniHateExams

    Lots of cheap suits and polyester ties ... I threw them out.

  • dozy

    Gave most of my suits to charity - exactly what will happen to them , goodness knows - I can't imagine there is much of a demand for these. Kept a couple of the newer ones back for occasional weddings / funerals / barmitzphas / court appearances! etc.

  • Alive!
    1. ‘Christians’ with multiple sets of expensive suits, many pairs of top shelf, high end shoes...

    Sisters with special dressing rooms in their homes, filled with designer bags, clothes and shoes.

    I saw this everywhere in the ‘truth’.

    In London, sisters would walk to meetings in Prada sneakers, and change into their Loubatains at the meeting

    Hey, don’t come to us if you are sick or needy, we’re all dressed up.

    Thousands upon thousands on the wardrobe, the beauty upkeep..... not a penny on the poor.

    What hilarious ’ Christians’ we all were.

    And they are still turning up, still ‘faithful’.

    Living life to the full in personal luxury in ‘the time of the end.’

    And they pushed me away because I started to say ‘the king has no clothes.’

    Sell your stupid luxury shit and give it to those in need.

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  • jp1692

    I gave most to the local Goodwill store. I kept a select few because occasionally a guy needs to wear a suit.

    For example, my wife and I recently attended a family wedding.

    No JWs were in attendance!

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  • LV101

    Alive - you make some valid points but one must remember that Jesus was probably arrayed in the finest of linens and designer leather sandals/lolol. Darn Euro designers! Wow - some affluent "sisters" across the pond! Really - Christian Louboutin (Paris) pumps my fave/the gorgeous new Prada strappy heels, Manolo Blahniks - a gal can't own too many, but I think the US "sisters" are more the low end/moderate shopper -- if that. The "sisters" here will find out where you shop and what you pay -- throw it up in your face! Gotta love haters! Perhaps the US sisters are just more spiritual - HA! After all there are scriptures about some garb and hair braiding - omg! No matter where they shop many must spend an enormous amount dressing for their pyramid sales meetings/conventions - garage sales are too much to spend for cult membership. Maybe a small % in NYC are designer junkies but not the ones I met.

    If I ever attended a church again I'd only go to one that allows jeans and flip flops.


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