I'm glad they're not following the protocol of their GB sales directors - they probably can't afford both normal clothing and cult coverings. The ones I know or knew of here dress very conservative -- longer skirt lengths, no questionable necklines/c-thru clothing or textured/fish net hosiery, no ostentatious/costume jewelry, etc. Very modest which is good. Probably normal for the older people but I've heard there are many young ones in couple halls (strange) but city has unusual dynamics.
What Did You Do With All Your Meeting Clothes?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
I gave mine away to people who were in need of clothes shoes etc, the homeless and any who might benefit from good clothes.
Whenever I walk to anywhere, I am always looking for ways to help (privately,voluntarily) on how to improve/help the area/homeless or just about anybody who I think could do with a helping hand.
Say for eg today I went grocery shopping into a particular shop which had sent me some money off vouchers and it was not huge spending required either (I do not ever fall for that).Just get my normal food and other items and you get money off of the total. So I went and bought what I needed and used the vouchers too.Yet (as I mentioned I wont spend just to get money off of items). So I just went around the shop looking for a disabled person, a pregnat lady or one with a baby, or someone witha disability etc to hand out the voucher to so they get a helping hand . I found an older person with a crutch hobbling so I asked him if his shopping came upto so-and-so,then he may be able to save some money with the vouchers.He was so happy, n grateful for it. (he later when I helped him with his groceries to his car mentioned coz of the voucher he was able to add a couple more needy items into his basket) That was all I needed to hear that the vouchers hepled him really.
So this is why I know where some homeless people are wandering, perhaps live even and just gave my stuff away to them.
One never can tell what os really going on in peoples lives so a kind gesture is Really Being A True Human imho.
I used to have three suits. Not very good ones. And about 20 ties.
When I left I got rid of them all. Then when the occasion came up to wear a suit (a friends christening) I decided to by a really nice suit. So now I own two really nice ones. A bit expensive, but then the only time I wear a suit nowadays are fancy Christmas do’s and special occasions – so it makes sense to get a nice one.
I have about 4 ties. Again, each one stylish.
I don’t think I’ve worn a suit since last Christmas actually.
I have a Hugo boss suit that’s my incentive suit. I’ll get back into it someday
Nice to see you have an extensive, expensive wardrobe.
Something tells me you didn’t do Housecleaning for a living when you were a Witness!😉
Lhg... u r quite correct 🤓
Pete Zahut
Awhile back I noticed that the suits hanging in my closet actually had dust on the shoulders. That was kind of a welcome to reality moment in terms of how long it's been since I went to a meeting. I kept 2 of my suits and a tie for each one and 2 pairs of dress shoes and gave the rest to the Goodwill. Those will be gone too as soon as they're a little more out of style.
Growing up as a JW and later as a married adult with kids, it seemed to me that everyone put more emphasis on what they were going to wear to the assembly than they did on the assembly itself. I remember hearing big discussions about having to shop for some new outfits for the assembly and what outfit would be worn on what day. I remember overhearing my wife and a bunch of sisters lamenting about not having anything to wear or being able to find anything new to wear to the assembly. In passing I said, " It won't be the end of the world if you can't find a new outfit to wear to the assembly...speaking of which, what does one wear to the end of the world anyway??
Concern for new assembly clothes was followed closely by wondering what get togethers there would be afterward. There was little or no concern about what new light there might be or what they might say about the nearness of the end of the world. Come to think of it, there was never any discussion about the assembly program afterward either.
I am still "in" but not that regular.
I will say, however, it you are in business and need to meet clients, having a nice suit to do the initial meeting is a definite plus, even if no one else is wearing a suit.
I always think that on an initial meeting, it is much easier to take off your jacket and tie as opposed to not be wearing them and everyone else in the room is.
After the initial meeting, it may by just a matter of wearing khakis. But the initial one has the biggest effect.
I never feel bad about having too many good looking suits.
Rub a Dub
They where left at my parents when they kicked me out poat desfellowshiping!i actually emptied out my meeting bag on my bedroom floor and usef that.to pack the few essentials i could fit.
Incase your wondering it was a couple t shirts after shave and 1 pair of jeans... oh how the teenagers brain works in a crisis!
I donated much of my clothing to a homeless shelter.It probably helped some people in a practical manner more than handing them a tract and telling them 'to keep warm and well fed'.