A lot of the time they wont even tell you when they remove things from you.
You're just left wondering why?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A lot of the time they wont even tell you when they remove things from you.
You're just left wondering why?
Grew beard, got " counciled" (word for word WT article) by a lone elder. No more training on how to read. The lone elder never followed with a second one. He did ask how I would feel about no more stage parts. Answer: hooray!.
As a never been a JW my mind boggles that grown men and women are somehow bent into a mindset to consider being " allowed " to hold a microphone is a privilege.
Eleven years I started a thread about not even being allowed to be a pallbearer at my uncle's funeral. It has continued even to this day. My aunt passed away this February and I wasn't ( ONCE AGAIN) allowed to carry her casket into a funeral car 50 ft. away. All the pallbearers were all Jehovah's Witnesses. Not one nephew, grandson was asked.
When I reported physical abuse by an elder and domestic assault by a family member, I lost the privilege of attending auxiliary pioneer meeting with the visiting CO.
When I called the police regarding a domestic abuse incident and the state ordered the other party to stay out of the home for one year, I lost my privilege of auxiliary pioneering.
When I continued to both ask for help and to warn others in the circuit about some stuff going on, I lost my privilege to help out in foreign language congregations and had to go back solely to English.
When I refused to stop warning others in the congregation about the elder I had reported (who was still serving) and how the other elders and Bethel were mishandling it to the danger of the congregation members, I lost my privilege of receiving literature (had to print my own) and my privilege of them "supporting my ministry" (I couldn't check out territory anymore - had to just go wherever or write to whoever.)
When I refused to say "Amen" to the prayers of the elders during Zoom meetings, I lost my privilege of attending Zoom meetings. (They revoked my privilege of attending Zoom meetings.)
When I kept asking them to help me meet with said abusive elder either before or after meeting so they could get their evidence to proceed with removing him (because either way he would have answered my questions he would have incriminated himself and he knew it, and so did they), they revoked my privilege of attending in person meetings.
Then they disfellowshipped me for false charges of "reviling and causing divisions", which revoked my privilege of being called "one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
When I still talked to people before and after conventions/assemblies to say hello (since many of them didn't know I was disfellowshipped yet), then they revoked my privilege of attending assemblies.
The priviledge of saying the prayer because the brother was not wearing a jacket
Road to nowhere;
If I could smash your "like" button 10,000 times I would.
For awhile I use to run the sound at the meeting. Sound board, music and mics. I ran it all. One day the head elder took the whole thing away, No reason at all. It was hard enough to get young men in the congregation to do anything. So one Watchtower study after the paragraph was read and the question was asked, there was no one working the mics. I walked past it to use the restroom and step outside. You think they asked for it
got called on the carpet and lost privilege for reporting an immoral elder. they said I was a slanderer...the evidence was true.
If you don't measure up to the Watchtower Society ''high standards''... you might lose some ''special privileges''
Isn't that the case everywhere, in any group setting? You don't abide by the rules and certain privileges are taken away. On this site too?
miss meetings...lose ''privileges''
Why do people even want privileges if they are not attending meetings and going for fs?
I remember a person complaining here long back in a post that he was taken off the mic roving list since he didn't attend meetings for 2 months. But isn't that obvious? Shouldn't you be physically there at the meetings to be considered to do that work?
Also, I am amazed that people classify cleaning toilets, passing microphones, window washing as lowly jobs not to be done by intelligent people.
I think the most serious problem in taking away "privileges" is the banning of teaching from women. It's a controversial topic in general, but with JWs, it takes on a sharper edge.
For a long time, I thought that the elders in the congregation who gave the Sunday lecture were making it up in its entirety. It wasn't until later that I found out they were getting the "skeleton" from the org and "wrapping" that with verbal "filler". Since most of them couldn't do that, even years later their intellectual ability hadn't improved, then instead of thoughts, they read long passages from the Bible. As if the listeners couldn't read it for themselves. The problem on the part of these "readers" was especially pronounced in those cases where, for example, a teacher of his children was among the listeners. A woman could teach his children, and even had a university degree to do so, but to read a written text filled with verbal "cotton wool" and boring recitations of long Bible passages, the woman was not cut out for it. Sarcastically, in retrospect, I would say that an elder in the JWs-congregation can be anyone who can pass driving school in that country and have a driver's license...