"...according to, The GuinnessBook of Records , Freddy Franz, was listed as one of the seven, most intelligent , men in the world."
Freddy Franz, One of the smartest men of his day????
by DwainBowman 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Marvin Shilmer
Freddy Franz not only talked to his shoes, his shoes answered him back with astounding theological insights!!!
If nothing else the crap he wrote had sole!
Please could somebody tell me if Fred Franz was an Oxford scholar or not.
I searched the database of Guiness Book of World Records. I can't find anything. Do you have a more direct link? -
He should have been listed as a man with an unparalleled overactive imagination!
Please could somebody tell me if Fred Franz was an Oxford scholar or not.
LoveUniHateExams, maybe this is helpful? -
Thanks, Redpill, that fully answers my question.
Fred Franz wasn't an Oxford scholar ...
A few years ago, I was told by a reporter, who at one time worked for the Times magazine, an interesting story. This reporter interviewed Franz when he became president of the WTB&TS in 1977 which story did appear in the Times. He said to me that in all his years as a reporter interviewing "important" people, after spending one hour with Freddie, he came away with the impression that Fred Franz was "certifiable insane."
stan livedeath
was franz a frustrated wannabee lumberjack ? -
The contrast between Fred Franz and his nephew Ray Franz could not have been greater. Fred did not have to rely on his own efforts at self-promotion because he had a ready band of "admirers' who did it for him. Ray epitomised humility, a respectful outlook and a desire to keep learning.