The New Busy Work

by NotFormer 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    For a hundred years the slaves were kept from having the time and energy to question anything and associate anywhere where they might be exposed to alternative views by having to keep up the busy work of going door to door. That avenue is drying up. And policy is changing.

    The WT needs new busy work to keep the sheep engaged without thinking.

    The WT fancies itself as an up and coming movie studio. Why not encourage local congregations to also start making amateur video productions and upload them to YouTube? You can produce half decent content with little more than a phone. WT could handout suggested plots, Q&A suggestions, specific Bible dramas etc, along with guidelines: what should be said, what can't be said and leaving a bit of wiggle room for creativity and embellishment. Nothing gets uploaded without CO approval.

    It could create a new level of engagement within the congregations and it goes without saying that new "privileges" will emerge that people can vie for. It would also create a new recruiting ground for Bethel. In the old days Bethel was a printing works. Now it could be seen as Jehovah's answer to Hollywood.

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  • Magnum
    For a hundred years the slaves were kept from having the time and energy to question anything and associate anywhere where they might be exposed to alternative views by having to keep up the busy work of going door to door. That avenue is drying up.

    Yes, there's not busy work like there used to be. Just consider the mags. We used to have four 32pg mags per month we were supposed to read in addition to all the other stuff to read and the other JW hamster wheel activities; now JWs almost almost don't have anything to read, the preaching work is lame, etc.

    However, I think there's a new breed of JWs now who don't need busy work to keep them from being exposed to the truth about "the truth." JWs in the old days used to be more studious and analytical and deep-thinking. This new group just seems to be GB idolizers who follow the GB no matter what and don't think/question/analyze. So, again, I don't really think the org needs the busy work now to protect itself as it did in decades past. The JWs now are just mostly blind culties.

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  • pepperheart2

    in 3 different places these past six months the jws were giving out magazines to the public printed in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

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  • ThomasMore

    Pepperheart2 - i am amazed that they still have magazines from those years. I can tell you with some certainty that they did not print surplus. The evidence suggests that the preaching work slowed down to such a crawl that they may have leftovers of those issues for the next century.

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  • nowwhat?

    No offense to the op , but for a high control religion as the watchtower that the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Mags are reprints

    They will never let individuals publish content: think Kevin McFree

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  • Phizzy

    The Org. DOES have to come up with a new "Busy Work" though doesn't it ? for the same reasons as the earlier iterations of "busy works", i/e to stop the "faithful" from having time to think, and then, Heaven Forfend ! Research.

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  • KerryKing

    Maybe they will actually begin to encourage publishers to look after the elderly, the widows and fatherless children, that should keep them busy!

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  • NotFormer

    nowwhat? Of course it's a dumb idea. It's a tongue-in-cheek "what if?" scenario. There's no way a high control group like the GB would allow even the slightest involvement of the R&F in what is their sole fiefdom. The original post was meant to stimulate discussion as to why it would never work, not an invitation to personal abuse.

  • NotFormer

    Phizzy, correct, they need more busy work to keep the sheep from having time to think. When they were a publishing corporation , the publishers were door to door sales people, the Kingdom Halls were distribution warehouses, the meetings were product familiarisation seminars and the busy work was all about shifting product.

    Now that they don't sell stuff door to door, what do the 8 million former sales staff do?

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