Cofty, you dismiss God because you lost faith in your invested faith in what men have told you. If you had a genuine relationship with God that had not been an option. It is what it is. I know you think you had black belt in faith like any jw elder
Epicurean Paradox
by Tahoe 27 Replies latest social humour
Man using his reasoning to determine God's existence or judging His actions makes as much sense as amoeba University ruling out that of man. But it is ok we try
Cofty, you dismiss God because you lost faith in your invested faith in what men have told you
Joan do you ever read a single word your interlocutor says or do you just keep typing regardless?
How many times do I have to tell you that after I left the Watchtower I became a born-again christian for a decade. I was a 'real' christian. Born-again, forgiven, saved, justified by faith, adopted son of god. I lived and breathed the gospel every day. I preached justification by faith alone. Sola Scriptura. My gospel was simple - 'By his stripes you are healed'. It was diametrically opposed to my former beliefs as a JW.
My ultimate loss of faith and adoption of reason was NOTHING to do with my previous life as a JW and EVERYTHING to do with the irrational nature of christian faith. Stop spouting banal platitudes and try engaging in an actual conversation.
Anony Mous
Those can all be boiled down to:
- God is not all powerful
- God is not all knowing
- God is not all lovingthis is a result of being all-knowing and all-powerfulThe way out of that is to accept God is none of the above, he is human and makes human mistakes, no need to elevate him to god-status.
The simplest test: can he make a rock he himself cannot lift (yes -> he is not all powerful, no -> he is not all knowing).
The way out the JW's think is that God is not all-knowing. But if you're not all-knowing, you cannot as a result be all-powerful, knowledge is power.
Anon it's a mistake to confuse the issue with reference to things that are logically impossible.
Stick to reality.
God created a world perfectly designed to maximize the suffering of conscious creatures. He subsequently has done nothing to alleviate that situation.
That doesn't make a god impossible but it does destroy the god of Christianity.
Anony Mous
I just finished watching a documentary about Jericho (on YouTube) mentioning the origins of the Jewish/Christian deities and Moses stories (Epic of Gilgamesh amongst others).
Interesting to watch documentaries on the origins of human civilization, especially in that area and how people just amalgamate these things and compare them to the Bible and other religious ideas.
People are an interesting bunch.
Oddly enough, I really enjoy Philip Pullman's Dust fiction for the very questions asked in this thread.