Bethel Status Update - Insider Information

by thedepressedsoul 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JustVisting
    That is going to be a shock to the Bethelites to have to tidy up their rooms on a daily basis, considering how anal WT is about housekeeping rules. I know that you are not supposed to leave lines in the carpet when you vacuum and not having anything out of place.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I'm beginning to wonder if Brooklyn is starting a propaganda war by verbal misinformation on topics, rather than letters - then the story can be changed/reversed in order to downplay what's ultimately been perpetrated.

    Can't help being cynical about this lair of wolves.

  • TheWonderofYou

    I always wondered why 30 years ago my favourite presiding overseer asked me, why I was not applying to university, obviously here in my country the leeway is larger.

    Sorry for all those who have to change the lifeplan and thought they were in a provident order.

    Its a general problem that all religious corporations want to have power over your life and thoughts, manpower and money but dont want the fiduciary duty, the duty of care.

    "A legal obligation of one party to act in the best interest of another. The obligated party is typically ad fiduciary, that is, someone entrusted with the care of money or property. Also called fiduciary obligation."
    Read more:
  • Heaven

    TDS said: 25% of all Bethelites around the world will be sent home.

    Um... I thought Bethel was their home.

    I remember back in the '90s my Dad was enthusiastically hoping to go to Bethel. It seemed to be his dream goal. He must have been turned down because he never said anything about it until I asked him. He dejectedly said he would not be going. Of course, he was old.

    TDS said: A lot of the ones who work in the printing department are also being let go due to the reduction in magazine frequencies. Close to 50% less help is needed.

    This is a significant number.

  • fastJehu

    I got the same Information from a Bethelite in the European Branch in Germany.
    I wrote this 9 days ago:

    European Branch (selters in germany) will be reduced by 25%.
    Means, 25% of older ones will be cut off.
    Longtime goal: rejuvenating cure and save money - less service for bethelites (no room maids, reduction (simplification) in the dining room and kitchen etc.
    Special-Pioneers who were invited for a limited time - will be cut off.
  • TheWonderofYou
    Its a necessary change. Now the bethel sercive contract is subject to a month's notice.
  • sir82

    I just visited one of the US Bethel locations recently.

    There seems to be a bit of "gallows humor" among those there.

    To wit: What is the official Bethel theme text now?

    Genesis 31:13:

    I am the true God of Beth′el, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now get up, go out of this land, and return to the land of your birth.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Are they cutting back on GB members????? It would be a good idea to send them all


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    We will all have to make sacrifices - except the Magnificent 7​!!!
    Can you even begin to imagine the language which Bethelites will be using if the G.B. and their wives are still given Bethelites as their personal washers/ironers/cleaners?
    Can you honestly see G.B. wives having to clean their own living quarters?
  • LisaRose
    . I was told it was at a rate of 2 per day just in the US. They are all being told they will be "reassigned" into the preaching work.

    "reassigned" = kicked out with nothing. Unless their living expenses are still being covered and they are sent to a certain area, they are not being reassigned, they are being laid off with no severance and no unemployment benefits.

    That is their reward for years of volunteer slavery.

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