Who Directs the Activitie$ and Doctrines of the Hovering Body?

by Sea Breeze 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Jehovah’s Witnesses boast that theirs is a “spirit-directed organization”.

    See w88 3/1 pp. 10-17 (My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization)

    They believe that their deceased founder, Charles Taze Russell (who faced legal action by his wife for inappropriate behavior in his maids bedroom), is directing the modern-day work of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    After the founder, C T Russell died, it was stated that he was still directing the work from heaven.

    "Though Pastor Russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work." The Finished Mystery (1917) p.144

    This was later expanded to include other spirits of the dead:

    "This suggests that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today." Revelation - Its Grand Climax (1988) p.125

    So you see, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have no need for any personal revelation from God, the bible, or anything else from God. They are directed from “beyond the veil”, by spirits.

    Any questions?

  • notsurewheretogo

    No questions.

    Except they have moved on. They now advise they are not inspired or directed and can be wrong.

    2017 Watchtower (February)

  • TonusOH

    Talk about a gradual progression! They went from saying that Russell was definitively guiding things from heaven, to suggesting that some body of heavenly elders was doing the job, to not being inspired at all.

    I thought the path of the righteous was like the light of the dawn, growing stronger in understanding over time? The WTS appears to be going backwards.

  • NotFormer

    Good to see that the spirit of Tony is still directing things* from the bottom of whatever watery grave he ended up in**.

    * In advance: I know he was removed from the GB and that this is an old image.

    ** Referring to speculation by some on the "Where's Tony?" thread that Tony is sleeping with the fishes.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    February 2017 Watchtower. The governing body......

    They admit that they are neither inspired nor infallible & that they can err in doctrinal matters.

    And,,they admit that they can screw things up going back in their literature to the 1870s.

    Nothing is as plain as day,,,, to who or what is leading the governing body

  • FedUpJW

    And two sentences later they put out this little nugget of ( well you can fill in THAT blank).

    *** w17 February p. 26 par. 12 Who Is Leading God’s People Today? ***
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.

    I thought a perfect Jesus would lead his "slave" to produce perfect food, not imperfect garbage. So where are they getting that food. The nearest alley garbage dumpster?

    You must eat the food we shovel out on you, even if it has passed the expiration date and spoiled! Now chow down peons!

  • NewLife
    Except they have moved on. They now advise they are not inspired or directed and can be wrong.

    Is the above true?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Current cult leaders

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    They now advise they are not inspired or directed and can be wrong.

    Here's how that works:

    If something stays the same - it is from Jehovah.

    If they need to change something, (like maybe stop putting kids on the street that are not as gullible as their parents to get more cash from Satan$ goventments), then that was a mistake made by fallible men that needs to be corrected by Jehovah.

    Heads I win, tails you lose.

    Any questions?

  • NotFormer

    Vanderhoven7, I wanted to upvote your post, but that photo and the reference to future kings makes me feel ill 🤢.

    Edited to add: I held my nose and upvoted anyway.

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