My tuppence worth on this one....
Depending on the age of a child, I think 'spanking' is a necessary form of punishment, and can be done constructively. As long as the child is of an age where they can reason, and truly are doing something naughty, not merely being children.
I've used it as a deterrent with my daughter - she knows the '3 strikes and you're out' rule. The last time I ended up spanking her, we had a chat about it first. I left her in no doubt the reason why she was going to get a smack, and that I didn't want to do it, but her behaviour led me to do it. We both cried, and she had 1 short, sharp, smack on her bottom. I've never had to smack her again, and IMO, it was because I took the time to reason with her, so that she understood why I felt it necessary. Now, I rarely have to tell her more than once if she needs correcting. She knows the boundaries, and is happy to keep within them. Her mother, on the other hand, tells her multiple times not to do something, then flies off the handle in a rage, smacking her several times. To me this is not discipline, it's abuse. It's actually the main reason we seperated, because I couldn't stand to be there and let it happen. Needless to say, as soon as my child is old enough, I want her to live with me. It's getting close to where the courts will listen to her opinion soon, and I hope that she votes with her feet!!
I got disciplined with the wooden spoon, mainly because it hurt my mom's hand because of how hard she used to smack me. And yes, like most of the people on here, it was simply because I couldn't sit, bored out of my skull, for 2 hours or more at a time.
I also think that many of the problems we have in our society with teenagers, is because of a lack of discipline, or smacking, if you prefer. There are too many 'do gooders' without children that have made normal, caring parents, into monsters, just because they discipline their child. Soon it will make them into criminals, as is already the case in Scotland, I believe. Lets face it, people who are maladjusted are still going to abuse kids, whether the law permits it or not. You don't need a law to tell you not to abuse children, for the most part it's an inbuilt moral stance that the majority have. Perverts, abusers and masochists will still be perverts, abusers and masochists, law or no law. Period!