Since God is Love…

by blubberyk9 50 Replies latest members private

  • blubberyk9

    This is my own opinion and I realize that others have differing views--that is OK!!. I put this out for discussion, as food for thought, not for attack. Thank you!

    I hold that any wrathful and unfair description of God is not compatible with the real God of Love. God’s drawing power is love; not fear, nor anger nor wrath. It is a good test for what is true about God...does it reveal His love? If it does not it must not be of God, for since God is Love, then He must be Good. This allowed me to walk away from the teaching of Armageddon--a day of wrath. It kept me from ever embracing the doctrine of a fiery Hell of torment. If God is Love how could He require a true Innocent, His own Son, to be brutally tortured or how could He even require atonement? That is part of the ‘old wineskin’ is it not? Read Corinthians again: Love “...keeps no record of the wrongs…” (although I do agree we must be sincere in our search for God which helps mitigate the tendency toward choosing to do that which is ‘wrong’.) Thus I can not even agree with the doctrine of inherited sin.

    This gets me into much trouble with my mainstream Christian family members! : )

  • punkofnice
    Blubby - I realize that others have differing views--that is OK!

    I have a differing view to you.

    I maintain that no god exists, never has. The bible, quran, book of mormon et al are the writings of men with no god involved.

    I'd say, just keep researching your chosen god and look at the counter arguments to see if they can actually be refuted. You need to be able to present an argument that proves that your chosen god exists.

    Enjoy your journey. It may be a bumpy ride.

  • JoenB75


    The daily newspaper testifies to the doctrine of original sin. We err as a race. God's standards requires a perfect sacrifice for sins. God provided that sacrifice. God became that Son and sacrifice Abraham could not provide. Hallelujah! What a mighty God in Christ that we might serve! Praise the name above all names!! Jesus!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Blubby, what will the god you believe in do to the elders who repeatedly get away with child molestation?

  • blubberyk9

    Punkofnice: One cannot prove the spiritual using strictly the material. We each can only know God exists by the experiences we have had personally--wothin. My experience will not transfer to others unless they themselves have also had a similar one.Therefore I do not intend to attempt to prove God exists. I know it within myself.

    Joen: I do not intend to detract from Jesus here!! He is to me, THE most important person to have walked the face of the earth. He revealed God's Love!!! He taught us that God is a Father to us not an angry, wrathful, destructive person. (I had problems with God as Father for the reasons Vanderhoven brought up, Certainly the healing process takes time! And certainly some fathers on this planet are not worthy of their title.)

    Vanderhoven: When someone persistently chooses to practice sin, they are creating their own problems that will not allow them to progress. "Contained within the sin is the kernel of its own destruction." We live in a time-bound universe and the out-workings of sin will take time to bring to fruition the bad fruits that comes therefrom. Yes, people suffer--obviously! This is a whole new topic albeit a related one.

    Thank you for your responses!

  • EverApostate
    Since God is Love

    First we need to ascertain, with absolute certaintly that there is a God.

    Next, he/she himself has to prove that he is loving.

    With the above, may I ask How did you come to the conclusion that God is love?

  • waton

    "god"is love of what?

  • blubberyk9

    Back in my JW days I did some serious doubting. I forgot the JW teachings and took on the Bible for myself. Then I disregarded the old testament. Then anything in there that was not uttered by Jesus, Himself. So, I believe what Jesus taught. Not necessarily what His followers taught. Within myself is where I learned the peace of that. Each one has to look within themself! : )

    Thank you!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Its wonderful to choose to believe whatever helps you sleep at night. You said you have eliminated the Hebrew scriptures because they do not conform to your view of God. But really you have eliminated most of the New Testament as well. By creating your own religion you have, in my book, made several critical errors.

    1. You have broken the first commandment by making a God of your own imagination.

    2. You have underestimated the sinfulness of man and sins consequences.

    3. You have denied the necessity of the cross.

    4. You are preaching another gospel and another Jesus.

    Sorry to tell you but you are a heretic of the first order.

  • JoenB75


    Remember the Father-Son revelation is tied together. You can not have the new testament Father Son revelation without both of them. The Son leads his brothers to glory. God's love of us and of his Son is tied together ☺️

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