I think one of the greatest obstacles to this discussion (both here and outside this website) is that it is done through western Judaeo-Christian lenses. Mankind's origin debate literally seems to be Christians vs Atheists. With the addition of Atheists stating "If the God of the Bible is real, I want nothing to do with him because he is evil, uncaring, callous, and narcissistic." Ask an Indian if there is a god. He or she will tell you the only Atheists in India are the ones that attended Catholic school.
I evolved. I was born in the Witness religion. Got out. Became an Atheist. Now, I am more of an Agnostic spiritualist who enjoys studying all belief systems, clinging to no beliefs, and open to whatever the truth is.
There is anthropological evidence that shows that humans have existed in their present physical form for over 150,000 years. We only have roughly 10,000 years of history. There's geological evidence that roughly every 6,000 to 10,000 years there has been a major cataclysmic event that would have wiped out civilization completely. It seems human civilizations are unknowingly being built on top of the ruins of previous civilizations.
What I am gathering is there have been a few people who have reached a sort of enlightenment. Unless you experience it yourself it is hard to convey to someone else in words. So, I believe that those who have tried to convey it through words used the only vehicle they had on hand - the religion they were raised in and shared in common with those around them.
I think there was a historical person who came to be referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. I believed this Jesus obtained enlightenment. As a Jew he used the Jewish religious system to convey his thoughts. This was no different than Siddhartha Gautama being raised a Hindu teaching his insights to his fellow Hindus 500 years before Jesus.
Both men condemned their religious leaders. Both men taught to concentrate on spiritual things (love, compassion, mercy, etc.) as well as altruism. Then, both men died. That's when other men came behind them and made religions with rigid rules that actually violate the beliefs of the originators.
Do you want material proof that a god exists? Go look in a mirror and say hello to God. Divinity is within as is the power to show love. So, in the end, God is love, but only if you choose it.