COST OF LIVING SURVEY WORKSHEET--(Assembly Hall Servants & Construction Servants)
7 Letters Requested--Cost Of Living Survey!
by Atlantis 20 Replies latest jw friends
COST OF LIVING SURVEY WORKSHEET--MissionariesCOST OF LIVING SURVEY WORKSHEET--Special PioneersCOST OF LIVING SURVEY--ExampleAnnouncement--March 14, 2022--AAnnouncement--March 14, 2022--BDirection Related to Resuming In-Person Meetings for Bodies of Elders March 15, 20227 Letter Folder Survey:Download:orAtlantis! -
Strewth—what’s that crazy Watchtower up to now? Crikey!
Thanks, Atlantis!
Always welcome slimboyfat! Hard to say what they are sticking their grubby little fingers into now. But you know as well as I do, the word "money" has got to be involved somewhere along the line.
Big Thanks Atlantis!
Hi there zahoots! You are always welcome!
JW GoneBad
Me too Atlantis...thank you for these Elders-Only letters...These letters speak volumes of WT's desperation!
It's almost like the GB is saying: "We don't give a rat's ass...get yourselves back to the Kingdom Halls!"
...and what's with the 'Cosf of Living Survey' being sent to Missionaries & Special Pioneers...these poor souls want to be careful how they answer these intrusive questions!
JW GoneBad:
You said it! Those are intrusive questions and it doesn't take long before the Tower has their hands in someone's pockets.
JW GoneBad
Seriously...they come very, very close to asking the the Missionaries & Special Pioneers how much toilet paper they use:
"7. Personal Expenses (personal care products, laundry, dry cleaning, and
household items)
10. Other Expenses (Any other expenses incurred not already covered in “Per-
sonal” and not included in the “Housing” or “Travel” sections)"
If they are smart they will report their expenses the same way they report their field service time. Pad their expenses.
Yeah, but whose pockets??
I am sure all the JWs still active are being hit up for money left and right. The demographics of the religion have also changed.
The older responsible JWs who are financially secure are passing away. What’s left are people who may not be gainfully employed because of listening to stupid BS about not getting careers. Then you have the needy with serious ‘issues’ brought into the religion the last two decades - no doubt to fill the empty seats! For sure these people are added to the list of other JWs looking for handouts!
To me this sounds like a powder-keg situation and I’m Glad I did a ‘Fade’ years ago because I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near this!