Not sure exactly how the "apostate question" is worded (something you believe that WT is god's earthly organization). This article blows holes in that line of questioning and reasoning.
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis 31 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS is not Gods Woman of Rev 12, neither is it a Universal org. , being only. an earthly legal corp. for the doing of Gods will, they say.
But to get them to say that the "Society " in all its guises and the congregations of J W are not God's earthly org and G B were not the F and D Slave......... that would be something .
Sorry I am late, had to put the coffee stained shirt in the wash ! Atlantis you were right!
More BS.... Washtowel 85 11/15 Titled Do Not Share In the Sins Of Others says:
"In today’s world, covering over the wrongdoing of others is a general practice. Many are as mute as a stone wall when it comes to revealing the wrongdoing of others to those who should know about such actions. It requires strength of Christian personality to inform appointed elders of the serious sin of a fellow believer. But if we are to have Jehovah’s favor, we must not let personal friendship blind us to the wrongdoing of another individual."
But they do just the opposite of what they print. They have kept silent to the abuse cases of wrongdoing , therby becoming accomplices to the crime! Moreover whoever has tried to reveal matters to others is being labelled as an apostate and shunned !
Hell No again, Not gods organization by any stretch of the imagination!
But after all those references, here's one Washtowel 85 5/1
"Certainly no reasonable person will argue that the highly organized governments of today, even those of Christendom, are God’s organization or even a part of it. No one could prove it even by appealing to the words of the apostle Paul at Romans 13:1, 2: “There is no authority, save by God, And they that are in being have by God been arranged,—So that he who rangeth himself against the authority Against the arrangement of God opposeth himself.” (Rotherham)"
So when washtowel refused to handover data for days in CSA lawsuits, they were going against the arrangement fo god, dont you think??
When they refuse to allow people to report to the police about Csa then who are they really going against??
So what can we conclude after reading this!!!
Yes, that would be something!
Many thanks!
The comments from these posters, are strapping the Watchtower in a roller-coaster seat on a downhill ride to Hades!
I am making some popcorn, because these folks are kicking-ass!
Deliverance from the old world is a miraculous thing, but it can come to us individually if we study the Bible, believe it and live according to it.
Holy smokes, that's the best quote I've seen. They are actually saying you don't need them to be saved. They would never repeat that.
Good catch peaceful! Watchtower loves to shoot itself in the foot with their own words.
Thanks peaceful!
neat blue dog
But to get them to say that the "Society " in all its guises and the congregations of J W are not God's earthly org and G B were not the F and D Slave......... that would be something .
Well for what it's worth, back then the WTBTS WAS the GB and representative of the FDS.
neat blue dog:
You know Blues, neat blue dog makes a good point there.
Thanks neat blue dog!