There's a number of Bible principles mentioned but ultimately, they say it's up to you.......... Can you think of any other questions that we could ask to see if we can do something or not???
QFR....Is It Wrong To Take The Life Of a Very Sick or Old Pet??..6-1-03 WT.
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
Is it wrong to wear boxer shorts, or should we wear tighty whiteys to not follow trends of the world.....
Shamus, I heard an elder give a talk saying that men who wear jockey shorts are more likely to masturbate than men who wear boxer shorts.
Well, well, well. Elders sure have nothing better to do....
How about "Young people ask... How do you wash your genitals without getting sexually aroused... USE BLEACH!"
How about "Young people ask... How do you wash your genitals without getting sexually aroused... USE BLEACH!"
Also women who dyed their hair were disrespecting the natural beauty Jehovah gave them.
LMAO @ Blondie and Shamus........omg, I am so embarrassed that I ever listened to the elders.
You know Minimus, it seems they are running out of legitimate questions to ask ,,,,,are you serious , is that a real question from readers? I dont doubt it , with some I have read.
Are push up bras, for modest Christain women?
Is the wearing of cologne used in the proper way, or could it be a subconscious effort to attract memembers of the opposite sex?
It even said in the young people ask book to wash your genitals, because they would become "itchy", and would lead to more sexual arousal!
C'MON GUYS! Give me a frigging break! Only the WT society would have a young person so afraid of their "dirty pillows", "naughty" areas, and "bits and pieces" so as to never touch them lest you become aroused, that they actually became infected!
For crying in the sink......
Just so no one thinks I am exaggerating about the type of underwear men should or should not wear:
Young People Ask p. 26 Masturbation-How Can I Fight the Urge? ***
For example, if you find that engaging in certain activities, wearing tight-fitting clothing, or eating certain foods has caused you to become sexually stimulated, then by all means avoid such.*** g88 3/8 21 How Can I Fight the Habit of Masturbation? ***
Therefore, if you find that certain activities, types of clothing, or foods have caused you to become sexually stimulated, then by all means avoid such.*** w72 2/1 94 Why Avoid Self-Abuse? ***
See that your clothing does not unnecessarily cause friction of the sexual organs.So if you wear jockey shorts or tight underwear..................
...The lyrics of one such song were, "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me". Brothers, would it be wise to put his spirituality at risk, listening to music with this kind of lyrical content?
"Would it be appropriate to eat a family pet that was ill or dying?"...."Would it be proper to pray for a pet that becomes ill?"...".Is allowing a pet to eat or sleep with you objectionable for true Christians?"......"Should a Christian own a pet in these "last days"?.....If a pet refused to come to meetings, would it be wrong to still love and provide for it?"