I’ll be thinking about this list as I roll over and continue sleeping on Saturday morning.
A Witness on Facebook posted why JW is not a cult!
by Addison0998 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1 out of every 262 American's are jw's? I find that hard to believe, anyone know if that one has any truth?
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carla2 hours ago
1 out of every 262 American's are jw's? I find that hard to believe, anyone know if that one has any truth?
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Side thought: Even as a born in, I’ve always felt uncomfortable with the word publisher itself. A publisher would prepare and produce literature, should have always been distributors. 🧐
St George of England
1 out of every 262 American's are jw's? I find that hard to believe, anyone know if that one has any truth?
According to the 2018 Service Year Report there were 1 pub per 265. In 2017 it was 1 to 263. If, of course you believe the WT figures!
The photodrama was not produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses, it was produced by the Bible Students (who are still going and would be rather pissed at JWs stealing their credit). Jehovah’s Witnesses didn’t exist until 1931.
How misinformed can one be about their own “religion”?
There is so much wrong in the O.P that I cannot be arsed to reply to it all. I avoid using the word "cult" about JW Org for this reason, you get a load of old guff back "proving" they are not.
I use the expression " High Control, Mind Control Group", prove that wrong smartarse JW's !
Is it just me...
...or does anyone else feel that the very act of posting a long laundry list of reasons why a religion specifically isn't a cult...
...almost reinforces said religion's cultyness?
Phizzy - "...I use the expression 'High Control, Mind Control Group'..."
Personally, I prefer "Authoritarian High-Control Group".
A bit pedantic maybe, but break it down to its component parts, and I suspect that even the most dyed-in-the-wool JW would be hard-pressed to deny the label.
Certainly easier to say, Vid ! But, Mind Control is a huge part of their Culty tactics, so, adjusted as follows, and I still put my challenge on here if any JW wishes to argue, your beloved Org is an Authoritarian Mind Control Group, come on JW's discuss !
Ultimate Axiom
Addison0998 - Number 8 is a big LIE!
fastJehu - 08. Big lie.
Is it? Do either of you two know? As St George of England posted, Robert Ciranko is President of the WTB&TS of Pennsylvania, and Leon Weaver Jr is President of the WTB&TS of New York. I doubt very much if many Dubs have heard of either of those guys.