Thing is he is a deviate.
Not a week hardly goes by now without some JW scandal, surely JW will have to start to wake up.
by LevelThePlayingField 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thing is he is a deviate.
Not a week hardly goes by now without some JW scandal, surely JW will have to start to wake up.
I agree with Sparrowdown... A mature man molesting an under age girl is a crime and deserves prison.
Within the JW world it still ought to call for d/f'ing... The man did it , repeatedly, covered it up and lived a lie. I have sat on committees that d/f'd people for less (in the bad old days, that is) The issue of whether his family would then have to shun him is another matter.
Now he is "Our brother in the prison" as if he were innocent... I guess he must have some friends on the BOE !
I think it has to have criminality linked to it, simply to help reduce the risk of exploitation.
A 35 year old man in a relationship with a 15 year girl is not the same as a 45 year old with a 25 year old.
Consent does not equate with having the emotional and psychological maturity to be able to cope with such a relationship, especially with a married person. Regardless of her willingness and his "weakness", he never should have allowed it to happen.
Is anyone in a position to confirm what is meant by him having the support of his church? I wonder if they are simply refusing to DF him as he has expressed sufficient repentance?
As BB says - he repeated the offences over and over again. There are many "apostates" that have been thrown under the bus for a single unsubstantiated remark...
A 15 year old girl and a 35 year old man? Yuk. Makes me feel ill. I'm glad I don't know what they look like.
However, I wonder if he was DF'd or not?
I was booted out of the corporation for no longer believing their kak.
The WBT$ has real weird standards of right and wrong...........well, we know this by now, don't we.
He should know better. Go screw around with someone your own age, or close too it, if your marriage sucks. Don't take advantage of someone who is vulnerable, that makes you a predator.
Make no mistake, a 15 year old is emotionally vunerable, no matter how they may appear physically. She was taken advantage of, she just did not realize it for some time. The fact that she is experiencing negative emotions and fallout ( PTSD most likely, because she was abused ) is a sign that she was not mentally and emotionally prepared for the consequences of that relationship.
The guilt from religion didn't help either. Religion aside, she was preyed upon by an adult who had many, many, many, opportunities to pay attention to the "red flags" that must have been raised in his mind and heart. He just ran them all down. He didn't think of his family, the community, or the effect that this would have on this young woman.
Good job, Judge!!! You made the right call! 👍🍺
warehouse - "Let's think about all of human history for a moment here. In all that time, how many times has a 30-40 year old guy had consensual sex with a teenage girl? Thousands, millions of times?"
Without question.
And because of that, we have reems of empirical evidence that, in the vast majority of cases, the negative impact on the younger party (both emotionally and physically) far outweighs other considerations.
reems of empirical evidence
. . . that cover all circumstances, and that date back 7000+ years? (or millions, depending on how long you view humans have live on earth, whatever). I would also say that most likely, this data is skewed, because the data is only created in situations where the outcome is negative.