the difference between a sex act committed by a just legally adult teenager and a mature man whose sexual switch isn't functioning right.
well, The "sex act[s]" of the teen ager might found to be wanting in comparison to the older male's, who after all proved his switch working right by having fathered children, even his moral switch working, showing restraint and leaving his adventurous teenage partner a certifiable virgin. what Is the legal age of marriage there by the way, 12 like in some western countries still? cant talk to them, touch below 16 or 61***, but marry at 12?
*** these are really anti-adultery laws, because none of this applies in marriage, and unwanted sexual activities are offences in all age groups.
talking of local customs in strange places, In Canada 4 females were drowned by a family for dating, at a 16,18 age. now the family from the east is appealing the murder conviction, because , they maintain that the jury was not properly instructed about their home country customs. legal proceedings funded by the Canadian taxpayer no doubt,
not endorsing, but putting forth ideas .