Blondie's husband Irreverent Home From Hospital

by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    My husband went home Friday and went back to work today. He had another catherization on Friday and it showed that his heart was stable though still damaged. His new medications are helping his heart have less work to do. He has been put on a transplant list because his heart is that of an 80-year-old man. Thanks for all your well wishes.

    We are going to have to adjust our diets and I will have to do more of the physical stuff around the house. I am just so happy to see him look and feel better.


  • jgnat

    Glad to hear he's back. BTW, I thought you had signed up for a walker? Exactly how much of the heavy stuff can you do?

  • AlanF

    I'm so glad to hear that things are better!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow, this is sort of a good new/bad news thing. Well I'm going to focus on the positive. I'm glad he's back home safe. I know you'll take care of him Blondie. You're the best.

    Be well to you both.

  • blondie

    Hi, jgnat. I can lift, I just can't walk very far. I usually breakdown the load into smaller piles. I did get some cortisone shots into my lower spine and the pain has subsided some. I don't have much choice. We are buying a riding mower and I have rearranged the kitchen to suit my (dis)abilities. I am getting a chair with wheels that is counter height to use in the kitchen. I have had to cut back some of my garden and flower bed plans.

    The neighbor across the street came over and mowed our yard unasked. What a sweetie! We are going to make some of our famous baked goods for them.

    I just have to do what I can and get help from my in-laws for the rest.


  • Gopher


    That is such good news! I'm glad to hear he's up and around and even working! That is so much better than being confined to the hospital.

    I hope that your adjustments in lifestyle can really help you live a long, active life together.

  • rocketman

    Blondie, I'm glad he's home, though it sounds like it will be a very cautious situation with the condition of his heart.

    Best wishes!!!

  • Joyzabel


    wow, so sorry to hear of your lifestyle change. (((((((((Blondie))))))))) I know you'll take good care of him.



  • Blueblades

    BLONDIE, So sorry to hear about your husband's and your health .Two words that show how I feel inside because of so much human suffering are those written about JESUS,"JESUS WEPT".That's how I feel about your situation.


  • Shakita


    I am so happy to hear that your husband is feeling good enough to go back to work. I hope his health will steadily improve in time. You take it easy, too. The stress caused by illness in families has a way of effecting everyone. You sound like you have great neighbors there helping you out. That's great, and you know, if you need lawn or yard work done, the neighborhood kids are always looking for a way to make a few bucks in the summer! You guys take care of each other.

    Mrs. Shakita

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