Dear Blondie and Irreverent, I just read about your situation. I hope that both of you will feel better!!! And yes,my prayers are with the two of you.(It can't hurt).
Blondie's husband Irreverent Home From Hospital
by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Blondie. Thanks for the update. Nice to hear hubby is both back at home and at work.
Are there any organizations in your area that provide help around the home for those that are recovering from surgery or illness ?
I always feel frustrated at posts like this, where I wish I could help somehow !
Love David
Cassandra Cain
Soo Glad you are home!!!
'es !!!!!!!!
Irrev, We're glad things are going better for you; keep on hangin on!
Craig & Katie
Thanks everyone. Irreverent saw the cardiologist today and she was very happy with how quickly he has improved. He has good heart function in spite of the damage to his heart. Everyone keeps asking him, "How's your breathing?", at his work and mine. My doctor even asked him that.
Take care of yourself too, sweetie. Lots of love and hugs to you both.
What pluck! What verve! What grit!
You two are an example for everyone in courage. I hope things continue to improve and work out well for you.
Thanks nina. I can't get rid of the feeling that each moment is his last, but the doctor says that is normal. I have had a great deal of support from the women at work. It is amazing how many have husbands who have bad tickers, or worse yet have lost them at an early age. They have given me the names and numbers of 2 support groups for both of us.
Not a call yet from my family, all JWs, and I won't be inactive for another 4 months.