Susanne Eigenheer is an ex-JW and suffered religious abuse in Eric Wilson's group. Her personal statement and experiences within the Beroean Pickets study groups was one of betrayal where she was taken advantage of financially. In one text conversation, Wendy Wiens disfellowshiped Susanne and demanded an apology from her. Spiritual Abuse is becoming more widespread especially among former JW's and the purpose of this interview with Susanne is to raise awareness of religious abuses, and to keep others safe. Learn about how a follower of Eric Wilson was abusive to single women and covered the dirty deeds by paying large sums of money to support Beroean Pickets tourism trips.
follower of Eric Wilson, abusive to single women covered by paying sums of money to support Beroean Pickets tourism trips.
by buzkid 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So far no comment from Bereanos Pickets, other than Wendy Wiens wrote to Karen Saunders "don't waste our time" which is very irresponsible and ignores the psychological harm this new Pickets cult is causing to former JW members.
I don't understand the need of ex jw's to get themselves so involved in these groups. After coming out of a high control group, the last thing anyone should do is get themselves involved in another group, literally from the frypan into the fire.
I've listened to Eric and many others of the exjw. I take everything with a grain of salt. but the idea getting deeply involved brings a little vomit up.
dear ones, I'm sorry for you but you made a mistake, Eric certainly won't be perfect, but he shouldn't be demonized or treated as if he were going to rob people
I know dear Suzanne personally, she is a very good sister, a nice and courageous woman, Swiss.
I know Eric. and many of my friends too, eric is a wonderful person, a good man and brother,
it is not good to defame a person like him
PERSONALLY to SUZANNE I explained what she does not understand about this story
I explained to her that even if she is certainly in good faith she cannot talk about ERIC in this way
and it is sad to see that it is not understood,
eric does what you Americans do, when you have someone valid you support him and finance him you want his success
I who am from a small city where the command of southern Europe NATO is based
I have always observed your American behavior, for better or for worse
, you do not know how to eat and drink for example, but very often you have what we call an extra gear!
you are very supportive and you help each other
now this thing is foreign to the culture of dear Suzanne who I repeat I adore! because he is really adorable, but as I already told you, it is an American way to have supporters, which is something I have seen done around me, which is something Microsoft did with its competitor Apple when it was in trouble, THING that the Swiss do not know and neither do the Italians for that matter, the Swiss only move if they can do it with their own strength and banks
this my dears is a misunderstanding generated by a cultural difference, and perhaps a little jealousy, my dear Suzanne should take a step back, because the problem is certainly not ERIC
but someone around him since the vast majority of messages in his name are not written by him
it gives me the impression that he is getting too old
unfortunately, he is certainly a lovely man and I am sorry for how they treat him, and how dear Suzanne could also look bad because of these things
wouldn't it be the case to show a little Christian agape?
since everyone is talking about it among the Bereans
i'm not a Berean, let's be clear, i've seen maybe 2 videos of eric and i've had a lot of feedback from him, always positive!
i hope all of you reading this understand that it's sad to get to this point
and that some things maybe shouldn't be treated this way
and this is an unchristian attitude
unfortunately it's clear that you've been a lot inside the Jehovah's Witnesses, where things like this were the order of the day i find, and as outcasts you have a lot of these attitudes
if you don't want to give money to eric you don't give him anything, he doesn't just pass by with the hat
best regards A.M.
What I see is that Eric asks for more and more money.
Beth Sarim
Eric Wilson is becoming a Lloyd Evans ||
Travelling everywhere. Buying stuff wanting $$ and wanting a following.
Just 3 weeks ago he had dedicated a whole video, asking for money and translation help titled ‘We have some great news and we need your help!’
He needs $30,000 so that he can have a weekly video published into different languages where AI is used to show him and his voice speaking many different languages of his blog.
But there’s no need to be concerned, he’s not interested in building halls like the Watchtower which he says one report claims they spent half a billion doing so last year.
Listening to the OP video, it seems that it is Eric’s wife, Wendy, that is the centre of some problems. He may have to be like Pastor Russel and banish her. She must be giving him many sleepless nights. 😉
Out of the frying pan and into the fire!
Cults gonna cult!
Beth Sarim
Eric Wilson. Im Unsubscribing..
Too much like Lloyd these days.
Shows the importance of "doing the work" after leaving Watchtower to avoid simply jumping into another cult.