Yes, LHG, having a non-jw husband especially, provides many ways out of not celebrating. Husband is still considered the "head" of his family and can celebrate the holidays at home I grew up with a non-jw father and that was the case in our family. But my father, like many men, did little in a practical way to celebrate Xmas. But we did drop in on his non-jw family and get gifts from them and eat their good and enjoy the tree. Weird!
What would happen to a JW for celebrating Christmas?
by Vanderhoven7 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"But we did drop in on his non-jw family and get gifts from them and eat their food and enjoy the tree. Weird!"
Not the first time that JWs have benefited from ignoring WT rules via "wiggle room". The Thanksgiving thread is full of it.
It got me thinking about the blood rule. JWs can at least benefit from blood fractions, but they won't contribute towards the pool of fractions by giving blood. All benefit, no responsibility.
M.M. writesWatchtower Bible Students actively engaged in and promoted celebrating Christmas, birthdays and Mother's Day until well after 1919. These were thought out apparently under the guidance of Jehovah's holy spirit and explained as acceptable. Now Jehovah has dictated that practising these customs is to be considered pagan or creature worship and those that participate are described as "ignorant." This makes a mockery of any claim that the Organization had a special standing in Jesus' eyes in 1919, or chose Watchtower to be his sole channel for salvation, based on it being the only Organization teaching and practicing truth. #watchtower #jw #music #cult #exjw #jehovah #song #australian #excult #australianroyalcommission