Any information about a special talk on Marriage in December 2024

by insearchoftruth 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ....what other way would there be??

  • Riley

    I have a friend who pretends he is a PIMI but is really only hitting about 50% on the meeting front. He has no problem missing a CO visit or even an assembly. He hangs out with his brother who is a Hell's Angel. He has this whole weird nerd life and circle of friends outside of the KH. He has like role playing games night at this house and goes to comic con and stuff. This is all happening in his 40s.

    Well, he ended up getting a girl pregnant out of wedlock. He was booted and went though all the Bullshit to get back in. While, actually he didn't have to do much anything other than say sorry. I think they were just hoping a young family would be attending the hall. FYI, he married the girl.

    The elders made no effort to contact the girl or try and study with her.

    My story is I stopped attending at 16 and met my wife at 31. Once they found out who I was, there was nothing but endless harassment to both of us. They would literally call me for a study and call her an hour later for a back room meeting. We eventually just eloped and told them to fuck right off. Sadly she went back.

    The way my wife was treated and my friend was treated was just day and night. It still pisses me off to think about it.

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