"Sverdlosk Midget" - a spooky case

by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk


    despite mounds of evidence that it really happened.

    Where is this evidence?


  • funkyderek
    The Belgian Triangle happened in the 90's when a huge (football field sized) flying black triangle appeared in the skies over Belgium.

    It was seen by many observers - and police. It was tracked on one or more radars - and NATO interceptors sent up to confront it.

    What did the NATO interceptors' report conclude?

  • hillary_step
    Belgian Triangle

    Shoudn't that be the Bulgarian Triangle...


  • Dansk
    Shoudn't that be the Bulgarian Triangle...

    Defineetly not! Zey only deal in Shkwares!


  • expatbrit

    Don't be irreverent, Mr. Hillary Step.


  • Hamas

    In the words of the great CHAPPIE SINCLAIR :

    But, come on.....

    Hanging on to these crazy idea's.......

  • metatron

    here we go guys:




    interesting reading

    I really think that these beings are gradually entering the consciousness of our world, a little at a time, to avoid panic and

    bloodshed. They are well aware of what could happen ( "War of the Worlds" panic) if they simply showed up on the White House

    lawn. If I'm right, I would expect to see nations and scientists moving us quietly towards contact - or at least admission of their



  • hillary_step
    Don't be irreverent, Mr. Hillary Step.

    lol...And why not!

    As an accountant you may be interested in a conversation that I a few years ago with my Bank Manager, which went like this.

    Bank Manager, eyeing her screen in disbelief : 'Goodness, Mr. Step, we have been on a spending spree haven't we!'.

    Step : Laughing cynically, then yawning and mumbling - 'Yes, 'we' have, but it could be worse. I was thinking of starting the worlds first underwater resteraunt in a recycled Russian Submarine, but my wife talked me out of it.

    Bank Manager, peering over her glasses - 'Don't you take anything seriously Mr. Step?'.

    Step : 'Well, I am here aren't I'? I could just have easily been out there spending more of your cash.'...sentence trails off into another unfocused giggle.

    Bank Manager : 'When do you plan to bring your account into order?'

    Step : Pulling out Versace leather diary, with solid gold tips from inside pocket : 'Mmmm. Let me see....Where are we,,,,?'

    Bank Manager : 'It is August'.

    Step : 'No, I meant what year is this'.

    My accountant, who has spent most of this time trying to peer down Bank Managers blouse, shifts nervously in his seat and interjects laughing like a hyena with sore tonsils : 'You know Mr Step, Gloria...always ready with a little joke....

    Step : 'I was not joking'.

    Bank Manager, pressing desk intercom : 'Jane, can we have some coffee?'

    Do you need a new client ExPat?


  • hippikon

    I bet God is pissed off - Damded Aliens blowing his cover like that.

  • proplog2

    I never believed in UFO's. UNTIL ... I actually experienced one. Reported at this link..


    I still doubt that the "visitors" are from some distant planet. Distance completely isolates us. I am inclined to believe in the "many worlds theory" (see latest Scientific American). I am far from smart enough to understand Quantum Mechanics but 70% of those who do feel that the many worlds theory is a good explanation for some quantum effects. The idea is that "ALL" possibilities exist parallel to one another. This would allow for a different Earth for every possible decision. I think some of these parallel earths have people that figured out how to pop over from one world to another.

    This might explain some of the junky stuff that shows up as UFO's. Maybe some parallel earths developed the technology for jumping dimensions before they developed sophisticated ways of traveling once they got over here.

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