"Sverdlosk Midget" - a spooky case
by metatron
22 Replies
I require a suitable retainer. A Jaguar X Type should do nicely. Upon payment of said retainer, I shall introduce you to my latest piece of accounting wizardry: triple entry accounting. Debit,credit, and shredit.
*maniacal pounding of adding machine commences*
I think we had better bring this thread back on topic.
My God, is that a....it is....its a huge Managing Partner, up in the sky over there...do you see it...?
Well, I tried, I really did. But any website that opens four new windows when my browser loads its home page, is going to get two reactions out of me:
1. I fire up the popup killer to prevent any more from showing up when I close these.
2. I will never, ever, return to this website again, much less read anything it has to say.
So... you actually give serious thought to something touted on a website with popups? Slow learner, huh?