In my experience (of course, my experience and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee), the guys who complain the loudest that "women never want nice guys" are balding, pot-bellied 45-year-olds who only want to date 22-year-old supermodels. Sometimes they will even react in horror when you suggest they ask an overweight woman, or a woman their own age, out. Having astronomically higher standards for 'attractiveness' for a potential girlfriend than you do for yourself, is not exactly being a 'nice' guy.
Not that I'm accusing any of the guys here of that...just a comment.
My brother has consistently (since at least high school) pined away after beautiful girls who wouldn't date him (they didn't want to give up being 'buddies' with him, and instead chose 'jerks' who they then complained about to him...getting him to do stuff for them), while completely ignoring those who would have loved to have a relationship with him.
I agree with the other poster. Do you think us fat girls finish first? When was the last time you saw somebody who looked like Tom Cruise out with a lady who wore a size 20, even if she was "really nice"?
Instead guys pick women who demand jewelry and clothes and high maintenance...and run off with the pool guy.
My husband has his moment of nice guy and his moments of jerk.